Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Worst Part About Getting Fired.....

is having the time to go to the dentist. Man, do I hate the dentist. Not my actual dentist. He's actually pretty cool because he hooks me up with Knicks tickets. But rather, I hate, as we all do, the experience of going to the dentist.

The worse part of the whole experience for me is that I never know what to do with my tongue. I'm always afriad that in a sub conscious attempt to get some action, my tongue is going to stray over to the suction tube and start making out with it.

Seriously though, I think I'd rather watch the Chronicles of Riddick or any movie with a Friends cast member in it than go to the Dentist. Heck, if I had a choice between going to the Dentist or becoming a Red Sox fan, I think the next words out of my mouth would be, "Jeter Sucks, AROD Swallows!"

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