Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Uneasiness in the Big Easy

The last few days I've been unable to stop myself from watching coverage of Hurricane Katrina on the news. All day I just sit glued to the tv watching as the flood waters in New Orleans slowly rise.

It's surreal. To think that an entire city could be lost if they don't fix the levee breaches soon. It could very well soon be like our own Atlantis. Our own modern day city under water.

I think the fact that I was just there a few years ago is what has intrigued me so much. Watching on tv I saw restaurants I ate in just completely destroyed by the Hurricane winds. The "twin span" highway I drove on just absolutely destoryed. Even down the coast in Biloxi, Mississippi the casino I won $100 playing craps in is no more.

The wide breadth of destruction is simply unfathomable.

And to think these people all thought they had survived the worst of it when the storm shifted a little bit to the east and didn't give them a direct hit. The day after they were even able to come out and survey the damage. But that wasn't the worst of it. The flood waters were still to come.

Disasters like these bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. It's shameful all the people who have decided to take advantage of others and turn to looting. Looting for survival, looting to take food and supplies I can agree with. But looting weapons and electronics is just wrong. This is not the time for that. You can't live under a wide screen t.v., even if it is 72'. What's the point of taking that?

All in all, I hope everyone will make it out okay especially all the great people that I came across on my trip.

Stay strong.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

In Defense of Being Geeky

Over the last week, whenever I told somebody that I was auditioning to be on the WB's Beauty and the Geek they laughed and said, "but you don't look geeky enough!"

Most of the time when you call someone geeky they take offense to it. This time though, I actually took offense to being called not geeky. That's right. I want to be known as being geeky.

To me there's nothing wrong with it. It's not an insult, or a put down. It's simply a declaration of who I am. I take pride in the fact that I'm geeky, and is someone who doesn't care about what other people think about him or his hobbies.

I enjoy blogging and averaging one fantasy football draft per day. I like reading Harry Potter books, playing video games, and spending my friday nights playing trivial pursuit while everyone else is out getting just drunk enough to be able to say, "I can't feel my legs."

That's not my thing though. Preferring to stay in is. Which just goes to show that geeks come in all shapes and sizes and aren't easily identified. After all, not all of us wear our geekiness on our sleeves in the form of a pocket protector or bow tie.

But there is a little bit of geekiness in all of us. In some more than others. And I'm damn proud of mine.

Now if you'll excuse me my 11th fantasy football team is about to draft.

Monday, August 29, 2005

You Heard It Here First

Call me crazy but the Yankees are going to win the World Series. Just remember that you heard it here first.

For a while it didn't even look like they were going to make the playoffs. And they still might not. But I have a pretty strong feeling that not only are they going to make the playoffs but also win the whole thing.

My reasoning is simple.

First off, they'll be fired up and ready to go when the playoffs start since they've had to fight their way in for the first time since 1995.

Secondly, with Randy Johnson and Mike Mussina pitching as poorly as they are now, constantly getting knocked out of games after fifty pitches, they'll be well rested for when they turn it on in the post season. Same goes for Jaret Wright who missed some time on the DL.

The acquisition of Matt Lawton, emergence of Felix Escalona, and return to health of Rey Sanchez and Ruben Sierra will give them a very deep bench. Tom Gordon and Mariano Rivera are a potentailly lights out 1-2 punch at the end of games. Alex Rodriguez is having an MVP season.

Throw in the remarkable turnaround of Jason Giambi, the emergence of rookie standout Robinson Cano, the constantly stellar play of Derek Jeter, Hideki Matsui, and Gary Sheffield and you have the makings of a championship caliber team.

And above else they're hungry having not won in a few years.

The timing is right and you kind of get that feeling that this is gonna be their year. After all you don't survive the loss of your entire starting rotation to lose in the first round of the playoffs. You survive said loss to make for a great story when you win it all.

Just remember that you heard it here first.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Week in Review

Random thoughts from the last week:

How are you supposed to get hired for a job if you need experience in order to get hired but can't get any experience since no one will hire you because you don't have any?

Is it weird that I check HBO latin to see what's on HBO rather than just checking HBO?

There's a town on Long Island called Patchogue. How come I don't live there?

I never thought I would say this but after watching ESPN's Fantasy Football Preview I agree with everything Nick Lachey has to say.

If someone writes a porn star a check and makes it out to their porn star name and not their real name can they cash that check?

The Cinncinnati Bengals T.J. Housmanzadeh definitely has the best name in all of sports.

The best nickname though belongs to Utah Jazz forward Andrei Kirilenko whose Russian, wears #47 and is known as A.K. 47.

I heard there was a guy in Japan who died a few weeks ago after playing a video game for three days straight without pausing to eat or sleep. That could be the way I go out except with me it would be three straight days of drafting fantasy football teams without pausing.

Joke of the week taken from an old issue of Maxim: A man calls his boss one morning to say he's too sick to come to work. 'What's the matter?' asks his boss. 'I have a severe case of anal glaucoma,' says the employee. 'That sounds like a load of crap!' yells his boss. 'What the hell is anal glaucoma?' 'I can't see my ass coming into work today."

After watching Groundhog Day again recently the thing I don't understand is how come Bill Murray is the only person who realizes it's the same day over and over again? Everyone else in the town is also going through the same day with him but he's the only one that realizes it. Kind of sucks to be going through the same day and not even realize it. How dumb are those other people?

Is it me or does Carson Daly look like that Ventriliquist's dummy from that famous Twilight Zone episode?

Saturday, August 27, 2005

From the Archives

In keeping with the Freeland/NU Shuffle theme in the wake of Freeland's surprise resignation here's probably my favorite editorial about Richie Rich, one entitled "Student Centered?":

Northeastern officials always maintain that the student is at the heart of everything they do. The motto, "student-centered and practice-oriented" personifies the belief that without these blue-collar, hard working students, Northeastern wouldn't be in the position it is today to move up in the U.S. News and World Report rankings. But the rhetoric that's coming from the University President is painting a different picture.

In the May 28th edition of the Northeastern News, President Freeland graced us with his Top Ten List for 2003. As predicted, the list contained all of the president's favorite rankings from U.S. News to BusinessWeek. It also touched upon the great academic achievements of the incoming freshman class and praised the new additions to campus such as the Behrakis Health Sciences Center.

However, conspicuous by it's absence on this list was any mention of students. With Northeastern relying so heavily on student-based tuition payments to afford those aforementioned campus improvements, it's a little odd that the university president would fail to mention the accomplishments of the university's lifeline. It's about time Freeland and the rest of the suits in the administration got their heads out of their asses and opened their eyes to the real Northeastern.

How about instead of trying to knock down the African American Institute to build West Village Z, taking the time to reflect on the accomplishments of this staple of campus life. If the Freeland Administration only took the time, they would realize that the AAI celebrated its 35th anniversary this year and have helped to make Northeastern the center of diversity that it's brochures claim it to be.

What about a mention of SGA's groundbreaking achievement of getting the Student Activities Fee Referendum passed? Having over one million dollars to plan programs and events with next year will improve Northeastern's campus life ten-fold. That's something that should make Freeland happy, but after reading his Top Ten List you wouldn't have known it.

Or what about a shout out to all of the students that give up their free time for extra curricular activities like the Northeastern News or for student groups. Those students have worked around the clock, taking their respective groups to new heights and yet if you only got your information from Freeland you wouldn't even know they existed.

In fact if you lived in a bubble and relied on the administration to get a feel for what Northeastern was all about, you would think that the campus only consisted of state of the art flat screen Dell computers, operated by award winning landscapers, inside a recently renovated library, that sits adjacent to the new residence halls, that help attract incoming students, to a school that's number one in co-op.

But the last time I checked you needed students to live in the residence halls and operate the computers and go on co-op. Without students there wouldn't be a Northeastern and yet they're treated like statistics and not real people. The legandary NU shuffle is the perfect example of the mistreatment of students. Customer Service is a joke because Northeastern doesn't really care about the students.

They could care less if students transfer because they know that as long as the campus looks pretty, some other unassuming sap out of high school will jump at the chance to go on co-op. The bottom line is that a school can survive without being student-centered if it is practice-oriented.

The NU shuffle will always live on and Northeastern will probably never be a student-centered institution. We all know that and have now grown accustomed to it. I have now been numbed to it all. But when the university president tries to take credit for the students' accomplishments without recognizing them, then that's where I get upset.

So Freeland, why don't you leave the Top Ten Lists to Letterman and get back to watering the flowers.

Friday, August 26, 2005

My Favorite Freeland / NU Shuffle Moments

With President Richard "Higher Tuition Richer" Freeland leaving NU at the end of the year I can't help but reminscence about all the good times the guys at and I had feuding with Richie Rich over the years. Here are some of my all time favorite moments:

10. When the students of the African American Institute took to the streets to protest Freeland's decision to close their facility we were right there with them, blocking traffic on Huntington Avenue which forced Freeland to compromise.

9. At a Northeastern-Army football game down in D.C. members of the shuffle staff said aloud that the crowd was quieter than Matthews Arena during a NU hockey game. Unknown at the time but the comments were said right in front of Mr. Matthews who was sitting in the row ahead of them.

8. The day the site was launched Freeland went berserk questioning all his top aides on who was behind it. Eventually they traced it back to me because of my anonymous Shames on NU columm which had a picture of me with me eyes blurred out.

7. Created the slogan "Higher Tuition. Richer Freeland." off of NU's actual slogan of "Higher Learning. Richer Experience." Proceeded to sell t-shirts promoting said slogan out of Tommy's backpack.

6. Printed so many flyers advertising site for free in Snell Library that NU actually changed their printing policy as a result, now charging students to print.

5. At a class council function I talk to Freeland for several minutes shooting the breeze before he asks what my name is. After I tell it to him I'll never forget the face he made after realizing that he just spoke with his arch rival nemesis without realizing it.

4. I have no proof but when I tried to run for Homecoming King I couldn't becaues no faculty or staff members would write a letter of recommendation for me. I think it's because of direct orders from Freeland to blacklist me.

3. We gave hard hitting answers to questions for a NU Magazine story about the site. Freeland found out about it and stepped in, censoring the piece which upset the writer of the story, a former teacher of mine so much, that he agreed to write me a letter of recommendation just to get back at Freeland.

2. After Freeland cancelled Springfest to get back at students for rioting after the Patriots Super Bowl victory we participated in a rally outside of the President's Annual Mardi Gras Breakfast to protest the decision. Two of our guys went in, grabbing free food and cursing out Freeland to his face, before getting thrown out.

1. At a press conference to answer questions from students about the cancellation of Springfest I went off on a five minute tangent, ripping Freeland in front of every major Boston tv newschannel and newspaper outlet, saying amongst other things: "you care more about what the U.S. News and World Report thinks about you than you do about the students." And finishing it all up by saing, "what say you to that." My quotes were in the Boston Globe and Boston Herald the next day.

Our #1 fan advertising our site in front of 20,000 people at commencement.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Breaking News: Freeland Resigns; Wins

In a shocking development that nobody saw coming long time Northeastern University President Richard Freeland announced his resignation on Wednesday.

Nobody seems to know why but there are plenty of theories out there. Some people think that he was forced to resigned just like Cincinnatti's basketball coach Bob Huggins, perhaps because of a soon to be discovered sex scandal. Although looking at the guy I don't think anybody would want to have sex with him.

Personally, I think that he just got tired of getting made fun of by me and my friends on, a parody website that rips him at least once a month. In fact over the last two years we've had him in a rap battle with 50 cent, had the school market him as a sex symbol to boost the university's visibility, depicted him as a tyranical dictator known better as Premeir Freeland, and even had him dying in an off campus shooting.

Freeland's departure is surely a moral victory for the guys at who challenged Freeland to fix the infamous nu shuffle which he was unable to do and which ultimately led to his dismise. Sure NU has risen a lot the last few years in the U.S. News and World Report Rankings but they've made no progress whatsoever in ending the shuffle (i.e. the bureaucratic runaround students are given) or improving the student-administration relationship.

Personally, I think that Northeastern is better off without Freeland, his quaf of unparted hair and his lisp. His greatest attribute was his work ethic and how passionate he was about getting Northeastern into the Top 100 no matter how hard it will be or how long it would take. But now that's he announced his resignation his credibility as an administrator has been undermined. He's no longer a man of his word. No longer Northeastern's saving grace.

His resume now includes the time he alienated the African-American community by trying to knock down their community center in favor of more student housing, several Patriots and Red Sox victory riots, the explusion of students and subsequent cancellation of Springfest as a result of said riots that he didn't prevent, and now quitting before seeing his vision through.

He has got to be one of the worst University Presidents in the history of modern civilization. He had tunnel vision in regards to getting NU into the Top 100 neglecting almost every other detail of the University in the process, especially the students.

All of which would have been forgotten if he had succeeded. But now that he's quitting his shortcomings will become more defined. And soon everyone will know what I have always known: that Freeland was no savior. Quite the opposite actually.

Freeland was once caught making out with Brittany Spears....could this be the sex scandal that forced him to resign?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Beauty and the Geek

The best apart about being unemployed is that you have tons of free time to search the internet. While doing so tuesday afternoon I came across a casting call for the WB's Beauty and the Geek, a show that pairs geeks like me with well beauties in a series of competitions.

Here's a copy of the email I sent to the casting agency that casts for the show:

To Whom it May Concern,

I am a 23 year old virgin who cried in the movie theatre recently while watching the 40 Year Old Virgin because I knew that in 17 years that's going to be me. My problem is that I'm terribly shy and refuse to approach girls in social settings. I probably suffer from some form of social anxiety disorder but have just never been diagnosed.

My shyness and other geek like tendencies, i.e. spending all my free time reading Harry Potter books and playing fantasy baseball also holds me back socially.

I wouldn't say I'm a geek in the true sense of the word but I do wear glasses, and have no fashion style whatsoever (I wear socks with sandals all the time). And oh yeah by the way I have way too much chest hair.

Saying that I would be perfect for the show Beauty and the Geek would be an understatement. Attached is a recent picture of me. And here is my biographical info...

- Craig

Hours later I was contacted to come in for an interview. I kid you not. I still gotta call them back but some time later this week I could be auditioning for the show. I'll keep everyone posted. Until then. Wish me luck.

The pic that could make me a star.......

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Great Depression

As Brian and my mom haven't pointed out lately I think I may be depressed. I was in denial for a long time, choosing to focus on the little things that made me happy such as fantasy sports and blogging, and not dwelling on the bigger picture depressing aspects of my life such as the fact that I'm unemployed with no job prospects and haven't kissed a girl in five years.

Lately though, I haven't been able to pretend anymore that I'm not depressed. I think what set everything in motion was seeing the, "40 Year Old Virgin" and realizing that in 17 years that's going to be me. I literally started to tear up while watching certain parts of the movie because it hit so close to home.

I don't want to give into the idea that I'm depressed because the next thing you know you're lying in bed, 30 pounds overweight, refusing to get up before 4 in the afternoon. Wait a second, I think I gave into the idea a long time ago.

Regardless I don't want to affirm it and start seeing a therapist or taking medication or even saying to myself, 'look at me I'm depressed'. Because then you start to believe that you really are. And you start making excuses for yourself.

I don't want to do that. I'm committed to turning this thing around. One online dating service at a time. Anybody want to lend me $34.95?

Monday, August 22, 2005

Future 40 Year Old Virgin

I think I may have a lawsuit pending against the makers of the film, "The 40 Year Old Virgin". Not just because of the concept of the movie, which some would say depicts me 17 years from now. But in that every single detail of the movie was eerily similar to my life.

It's almost as if they've been watching me for the last few years. I'm sure we all experience those timse where you feel as if someone is following you or watching you. Well for me, somebody actually was! And then they made a movie about it!

I don't want to give away anything for those who haven't seen it but just know that the following things are mentioned in the movie:

Excessive chest hair
Kelly Clarkson
Clive Cussler novels
Harry Potter
Curious George
Bike riding

Kind of makes you wonder....

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Week in Review

Random thoughts from the last week:

I don't know what the woman who says she lost weight eating nothing but McDonalds is talking about. It's definitely not working for me.

I just noticed that there is an advertisement for on the pro wrestling website that I frequent. Are they trying to suggest that just because I'm 23 years old and still watch wrestling that there's a chance I may be single?

I just realized that I can't remember a time in the last two or three years where my foot has fallen asleep. Whereas it used to fall asleep all the time. Is that normal?

What's the point of those futuristic ice cream vendors that use a suction device if the ice cream bar is just going to break upon impact after falling from the device?

Although such a device would have been handy when I was wasting all my allowance on that ratched 'control the mechanical arms' machine at Hot Skates.

Friday night I saw the new movie, "The 40 Year Old Virgin." I was gonna go wearing a shirt that said, 'future 40 year old virgin' on the front. 'Sad but true' on the back.

Have you ever noticed that there's a liquor store next to every hospital and a taco bell next to every animal hospital?

The other day I ran into Jamie Fried and she gave me a kiss hello on the cheek. Which for me is like getting to second base.

I wonder if anyone has ever bought a cup from a used sporting goods store?

How come are the rich people live out east on Long Island? Wouldn't you expect to find all of them living just outside New York City so that they wouldn't have to deal with long commutes?

Why is the New York Post's gossip column, "page six" always found on page 12? Shouldn't it be on page six?

Nick Stevens the sports guy from krock had the line of the week when on the subject of athletes holding out for more money to feed their famalies he said, "what are they feeding them? Unicorn meat and whale blubber?"

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Gamers Give It Their All; Come Up Short

Jones Beach, NY - It just wasn't meant to be for the shorthanded Gamers who gave it their all on Saturday in quarterfinal playoff action against the FGHT Eagles but came up short losing two out of three in disappointing fashion.

Already shorthanded, playing without Scott Goldsmith, Dave Kheel, Anthony Vega, Ian Ziegler and Rob Rathbun the Gamers received a bad break when the Roll brothers, Greg and Dave, got into a car accident on the way to the field and missed game one.

That left the Gamers with only 7 uniformed players. They would have had to forfeit their season but Rathbun and the Hebrew Hammer/Jewish Jet Brian Berkowicz would have none of that as they stepped up big time to give the Gamers a chance to win.

In the first game, Rathbun, limping around on one leg, played first base and went 3 for 4 at the plate with a homerun and 5 rbis. His willingness to risk further injury sparked the rest of the Gamers offense as they scored 17 runs behind Scott Zimmerman's 5 hits and rbis, Rob Roll's four hits, and Billy Bezouska's 4 for 5 performance.

Unforunately, the Gamers dropped the back and forth slugfest, losing 17-20. They then suffered a big blow, losing Bezouska on a nasty collision at home plate. Bezouska in typical Gamers fashion stayed in to play catcher for an inning but then had to leave to go to hospital depriving the Gamers of one of their pivotal table setters.

In the second game, the Gamers, minus Bezouska but with the Rolls and Peter Hon back in the lineup, played their style of ball winning a pitcher's duel behind the strong pitching of Zac Nicholson, 9-7. Rathbun hit another homerun as did Rob Roll. Greg Roll went 3 for 4 as the first four hitters in the lineup, (G.Roll, Nicholson, R.Roll and Rathbun) combined to knock in 8 of the Gamer's 9 runs. Craig Shames had the other rbi as a part of a 2 for 3 game. Outfielder Brian Malfettone had the play of the game throwing out a runner at home plate.

In the third game, the Gamers tried to grind out one more victory and almost did as Greg "Spiderman" Roll climbed the fence in left field to make an outstanding catch and Rathbun hit his third homerun on the day and make several outstanding plays on the hot corner. Johnny Vasquez and Scott Zimmerman both went 2 for 3. But in the end it wasn't enough as the Eagles pulled away on the strength of a 9 run fifth inning on their way to victory in the pivotal game three.

Despite the disappointing losses the Gamers left everything they had out on the field. Especially Nicholson who pitched his heart out in three games and Rathbun who despite playing against doctor's orders went 9 for 10 with 3 homeruns and 12 rbis.

The Eagles advance to the championship game where they will play the surprising Tattoo Crew who upsetted the Stallions earlier in the day. The Gamers will look to get everyone healthy to finally get over the hump in the coming fall season.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Random IM Convo

headcase524: your up early

JJ31670: i'm still on portugal time

headcase524: fair enough

JJ31670: your up early

headcase524: im on kitchen construction time

Let's Shake On It

I never know what to do when greeting someone. The handshake used to be the standard unit of greeting but now there are so many different variations of it that you never know which one you're going to get back when you extend you hand.

Is it going to be a regular, firm hand shake back? And if so, how firm should it be? For how long should you shake for? Who should initiate the end of the shake? The shaker or the shakee?

What if it's one of those cool testing ones? You know the ones with multiple parts to it that you have to keep up with or everyone's going to know just how uncool you really are. Be careful. You don't want to end with a snap of your fingers when it's really a chest pound or vice versa.

And what about those people that like to lock hands and then give you a quick shoulder to shoulder hug? What if you go to shake hands and instead get pulled into them for a hug. There's nothing more akward than someone trying to give you a handshake hug and you're standing two feet away with your ass out trying to avoid making contact with them.

The only thing worse than the ass out handshake hug is what to do when meeting a female for the first time. Do you give them a kiss on the cheek like you've known them your whole life or do you extend your hand for a handshake? Girls are notoriously bad at handshakes, usually giving you only the tips of their fingers to shake with and then pulling away before you can shake anything so you wind up with one of those akward finger shakes.

The only thing worse than the finger shake is the finger shake when occuring between two men. Who was at fault for missing the hand completely? Was it you or the other guy? And is it worth asking for a redo?

From now I think I'm just going to stick with the head nod when seeing somebody I know.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Pros and Cons of Teaching

Yesterday while waiting to meet with an advisor at Queens College to discuss their masters in education programs I made a pro/con list of teaching. Here's what I came up with:


Could coach a sports team
Could edit the school paper
Could chaperone the prom
Would give me a steady career; no matter where I live I could always find employment


Out of control students that wouldn't respect me
Long hours
Inability to teach what I don't know
Grad. school requirements/costs

Uh oh it's tied 4-4. What will the tie breaker be? What do you think I should do?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Kitchen Hell

A few days ago I blogged about things that bothered me with anything that prevents me from sleeping presiding at the top of the list. That list has held true to form this week as demolition has started on our soon to be remodeled kitchen.

That's right, every day at 8 am I get awakened to the sound of jackhammers, sledgehammers, regular hammers, and any other kind of hammer you can think of with the exception of maybe Arm & Hammer. Throw in some crowbars, drills, and chainsaws and it's practically a symphony of annoying construction sounds.

While such sounds do remind me fondly of my days at Northeastern, living in the constantly under construction West Village, I'd much prefer to be able to sleep more than six hours a night. Especially since I can't function with less than 10 in my system.

As such, I've been a walking zombie all week even driving the wrong way down a one way street and almost getting killed in the process. At less than 100% awareness it's not a good time to be driving all over the island job interviewing and grad school searching.

To make matters worse, since my room is directly under the kitchen, it's been raining wood chips all over my room. The other day I was taking a dump and pieces of debris started falling on my head. I kid you not.

The whole scene reminds me of the movie Money Pit. I'm still waiting for the day when I come home and find one of the guys hanging through a hole in the floor.

But on the bright side at least I get to eat out the next few weeks in fancy restaurants most of which either have a ball pit in them, serve their food on placemats that have connect the dots on them or have the words bar and grill in their name.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

ABA Bans Shames From Pitching

Here's another parody article that I wrote for my softball team's blog. You can check out more articles like this one at

Long Island, NY - After receiving numerous complaints from his umpires throughout the summer about games taking way too long to complete, ABA's Nassau County Director of Softball Operations, Scott Matson, finally took action, banning Gamer's starting pitcher, Craig Shames, from pitching.

To announce his decision, Matson sent a memo to all 35 Nassau County umpires employed by ABA. The memo, which All Access has obtained a copy of, stated that not only was Shames banned from pitching for the remainder of the summer season but also stated that he couldn't pitch in the coming fall season as well.

Wary that Shames might try to join another league or even drive out to another state to try to pitch, Matson also forwarded the memo electronically to every umpire in the Tri State Area.

To help the umpires identify Shames in the event he should try to pitch in a game they are calling, Matson sent them several pictures of Chewbacca, Big Foot, Arthur the Aardvark, Harry Potter, Jimmy Neutron, Curious George, Waldo and several other animated characters. Underneath each picture there was a caption that read, "Shames may appear to look like this to you."

The memo did state one condition though under which Shames could wind up pitching again this year. That would be a scenario in which the Gamers are winning by a large margin as they were this past weekend against the Hurricanes. In such a circumstance, instead of giving the opposing team six consecutive outs to try and make a comeback they will instead still only get three but Shames would be the pitcher for that inning.

After hearing of the ban, Shames said, "this is some grade A, USDA approved bullshit. I'm a great pitcher. I don't hear anyone on the opposing teams complaining. It's only those stupid umpires who are tired of standing out in the heat all day. They need to sac up before I throw some strikes all over their faces. "

Others though were a lot happier with the ruling.

Steve, the umpire who called the games this past Saturday and whose profanity laced email to Matson finally lead to the ban being implemented, said, "it's for his own good really. At the rate he was walking people at, it was only a matter of time before his own teammates turned on him and kicked him off the team entirely. At least this way he still gets to hit."

Dave Kheel and Rob Roll could not be reached for comment because they were out celebrating the decision.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Random IM Convo

headcase524: what did you do today?

UnaBilly CU: slept til like 11. then watched tv. ate some pizza. watched a movie

UnaBilly CU: holy shit sounds like your day

At Least I'm Friends With Brittany

As Billy points out through his use of photoshop in the picture below I've started to gain some weight. I also dropped out of my summer class at Nassau CC and have no idea what I want to do with my life now that I've soured on becoming a teacher.

To make matters worse a bunch of guys with sledge hammers are demolishing my kitchen as we speak making it impossible for me to sleep to my desired goal of 2 pm. I also lost $15 to Russell last night playing poker.

If I started to dwell on all of those things plus how pathetic my social and love lifes are I'm sure I would be back on the shrink's couch in a heartbeat. But I'm not going to. Not because of some life changing epiphany that's going to last for about three weeks. Not because I'm taking some kind of hard line stance about doing the little things that make me happy.

No, rather I'm still happy in spite of myself because thanks to I'm friends with the love of my life, Brittany Snow! My space as opposed to something like the facebook has become the medium of choice for celebrities to show their real person side and stay in touch with their fans.

So I sent Brittany a friend request and asked her if she ever needed a date to a premeire party to give me a holla. She accepted, my friend request that is not my date offer, but that'll come in due time. After all, once she checks out my profile and stumbles onto my blog and reads about how much of a loser I am how can she not accept?

You say I'm gaining weight. I say I'm filling out.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Week in Review

Random thoughts from the last week:

The slogan I came up with for Tommy's recent White Water Rafting Trip was a big hit. It read: "When the waters get rough, real rafters never pull out early."

It's amazing how people don't like helping others in an emergency situation. Last weekend when I was in Boston, this guy collapsed and everyone around me was like, 'hey look at that guy over there that collapsed." But nobody did anything. I mean, come on people, I'm not asking you to give a blood transfussion but how about you call for help or something.

How come when we order cold cuts in a deli it's always either a quarter of a pound or half a pound? How come no one ever orders a fith of a pound or a third of a pound?

I'm still waiting for the day when I go to push open a door just as someone is pulling it open from the other side and I fall through. It's almost happened to me like five times this summer.

Whoever said that the average person swallows seven spiders in their lifetime has really freaked me out. More than even the person who said that the bed bugs would bite.

Why do baseball players run the bases with their batting helmets still on? They're called batting helmets not running helmets. I'm not saying they should take the helmets off since they could still get hit with a stray ball on the basepaths. I'm just saying they should be called batting/running helmets.

Why do we need quarters for everything? Laundromats. Parking meters. Gum ball machines. You name it and you need a quarter for it. What does society have against the other coins?

It kind of bothers me that we have to pay to go to the beach. You're basically paying for the right to not be able to sleep that night (sunburn), the right to not want to do anything that night (the sun sapping your energy), and the right to be touching yourself all week (bathing suit chafing). If anything they should be paying you to go.

Billy said that with my recent weight gain I'm half way to offiically becoming George Costanza. Now all I have to do is start losing my hair.

Conan O'Brien had the line of the week when he said the kid who fell onto the backstop screen at Yankee Stadium was actually George Steinbrenner after he realized that the Yankees were five games out.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Gamers Sweep Quadruple Header in Impressive Fashion

Hicksville, NY - Despite playing without their 4-6 hitters and in oppresively hot temperatures that reached over 95 degrees the Gamers some how found a way to win all four games they played. It wasn't pretty though.

In the first game against the Tattoo Crew, the Gamers fell behind 18-7 and were in danger of getting run ruled when MVP candidate, 2b Rob Rathbun, hit a solo homerun to lead off the bottom of the fifth inning. That blast seemed to spark the Gamers who went on to score 3 more times that innning before adding a clutch seven run inning in the bottom of the sixth. That put them down one run heading into the bottom of the seventh inning. It was then that the bottom of the order came up big time as Luke Nicholson lead off with a triple, Craig Shames singled him home and then scored the winning run on Billy Bezouska's double.

Shames' clutch hit got him off the hook after he gave up 13 runs in only 3 1/3 innings pitched. 1b Zac Nicholson came in to replace Shames and in his season debut unveiled an unhittable sidewinding curveball that kept the Tattoo Crew at bay and allowed the Gamers to stage their comeback, which at 13 runs, was their largest deficit overcome all year.

In the second game it was another nailbitter as Nicholson continued to frustrate the Tattoo Crew batters, at one point striking out two batters in one inning. His stellar pitching allowed the Gamers to once again stage a comeback, as they won out by the measly score of 3-2 in a time shortened 4 inning affair.

The heroics were once again provided by Rob Rathbun, who after hitting for the cycle in the first game, amazingly hit another game tying homerun, although a costly one as he reinjured his knee, and had to literally crawl around the bases in order to make the run count. Inspired by the Kirk Gibson like antics of Rathbun infielder Anthony Vega singled and came around to score on another game winning hit by Bezouska.

After those two thrilling and energy zapping victories the Gamers caught a break as they wound up playing the Hurricanes instead of the Eagles. Playing against the defensively challenged Hurricanes who only had 10 players for the first game and then 9 in the second game, the Gamers easily swept 19-2 and 22-3 despite being physically exhausted because of the heat and the fact that they had just played two games.

The two offensive explosions raised the Gamers plus/minus by over 40 runs all the way up to 93. It also padded everyone's stats as every player on the roster takes a batting average of at least .400 into the playoffs.

All in all, in the four games every player had at least four hits on the day with Craig Shames leading the way with 9. 3b Johnny Vasquez had his best day of the year with a 7 hit outburst and Peter Hon broke out the whopping stick with 5 hits including a triple and his first homerun of the year. Billy Bezouska matched Rathbun's two homeruns with two of his own, Ian Ziegler added another and Of Scott Zimmerman returned to the lineup picking up six hits in the process. On the day the Gamers hit six homeruns but even more impressive than that was that both Dave and Greg Roll picked up their first walks of the year.

The two blowouts were also the Gamers last two regular season games so they got to experiment with playing new positions on the defensive side of the ball. The switches saw Peter Hon and Anthony Vega pick up wins on the mound, Greg Roll dominant at shortstop, and Luke Nicholson play sparkling defense at second base.

The Gamers will look to carry their 4 game winning streak into the playoffs next week when they likely meet up with the Tattoo Crew again.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

Right now, as I sit at my desk typing this blog at 9:50 in the morning, 25 people are sitting in a tiny room the size of your kitchen at Nassau Community College getting bored to death during a lecture about the building of the Panama Canal.

I was supposed to be among those 25 people and as of two days ago I was. But then that all changed when the teacher announced a 5 page paper due in less than a week and I announced that I was dropping the class.

I wasn't running away from the assignment or taking the easy way out as my mom will lead you to believe. It's just that I had some flexibility in my schedule that would enable me to take this same course this coming fall at Queens College if i get in. Considering that dropping the class wouldn't set my timetable back at all and it would probably be less stressful to take it over a longer time period with more reasonable deadlines I decided to spend the next three weeks soul and job searching one last time. That way I could be sure once and for all that I wanted to become a teacher.

However, an interesting thing happened on the way to the introspection chamber. I got called for a job interview at my old job in the traffic department for MSG networks. I'm on my way out the door as we speak. Hopefully, the interview will go well and they'll offer me the position. Assuming they do it sure would present quite the quandry.

Would I accept the offer and call the World's Most Famous Arena my office? Or would I decide to continue on the path towards becoming a teacher?

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

Only time will tell. Speaking of time, it' 10 o'clock. My train's almost here. Gotta run.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Craig's Lists: Things That Bother Me

No apartments for rent here. Just a hilarious list about things that bother me as a follow up to a previous post about how bitter I am. Enjoy:

Watches and clocks ticking while I'm trying to sleep.

Come to think of it any noise while I'm trying to sleep.

Newspaper print that rubs off on your hands.

People who correct your grammar in mid conversation.

People who call with unknown ids and then don't leave messages so you never know who called.

People who don't call you back when you call them.

People who give away surprise endings to books and movies just to be jerks.

People who after receiving a thank you say thank you back instead of your welcome. (ex: A cashier gives you your change back and says thank you for shopping at Waldbaums. You say thank you back probably thanking the cashier for giving you your change back but never say your welcome to her original thank you.)

Bloggers who have to explain their comments and jokes because no one gets them the first time.
People who make fun of their own friends.

People who roll through stop signs.

People who make fun of my chillaxing away message.

People who check other people's away messages non-stop.

People who laugh uncontrollably while decapitating virtual soldiers in video games.

Fast food workers who mess up your order even though you say it slowly three times.

Restaurants like those in Disney World that automatically put cheese on all of their hamburgers because they assume people want it that way.

People who use their grandmother's handicap parking sticker to get the good parking spots.



Corrupt politicians.

Certain Howard Stern employees who come up with my ideas before me.

Clothing stores that want you to wear shirts with their logos on it but don't want to pay you for advertising for them.

Hair gel that dries up and flakes in your hair.

Cops who run red lights just because they can.

The you must buy something to use the bathroom rule.

Guys who wear jewelry.

People who are so lazy that they take the elevator for only one flight.

People who make no effort to hold the elevator for you when you're running for it.

People who wear dog tags for fashion even though they're not in the military.

People who talk during movies.

People who kick the back of your chair during movies.

People who sit right near you in an empty theatre.

The fact that you can't get cell phone reception in your house.

Commercials that repeat within the the same half hour or hour program.

Meatheads who look to start fights in bars.

Calling the Jets and Giants the New York Jets and Giants when they play in New Jersey!

Fans who don't vote for Derek Jeter to be in the all star game.

Sports drinks that come with plastic lids under the bottle caps so that you wind up feeling like a jack ass after you try to drink it and nothing comes out.

Tattoos on girls.

People who feel it necessary to conform with society.

*I'm sure there are a lot of other things that bother me after all I am a direct descendant of George Costanza but I think this will do for now.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Oh Boston how I miss thee. Or do I?

When I was up in Boston this past weekend my friend Heidi asked me if I missed Boston. I didn't have a good answer ready because I hadn't really thought about it since I left. Eventually I said some corny line about missing the people more than the city but that was just to get a hug from Heidi so she'd rub up against me.

The truth is that I'm still not sure. So in order to find out I'm going to take the following time to make a few lists to find out once and for all my feelings towards Beantown. So without further adieu....

Things I miss:

The people - turns out I really meant that
Walking/running/rollerblading along the Charles River - especially during twilight
Steak tip dinner from Cappy's 2 and chicken finger dinner from BHOP meetings in the library
Hallway baseball
Triple threat No Mercy matches with Sean and Chris
Screaming out Ton-yyyyyyyy
Watching Tommy's drunken escapades
ROTC and Class Council

Things I don't miss:

The pizza
The bagels
The delis
Not being able to wear my Yankees hat or jacket in public
Roommates who think its funny to shoot off people's hats with their high powered snipper rifles in video games
The weather
Fury friends scurrying across my floors
The overcrowded t
Stuck up kids from BC
All the rotary's and one way streets
Getting attacked by homeless people

And the verdict is....good place to visit but not to live in. Sorry Mel. :(

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Photo Expose: Back in Beantown

This past weekend I made my long awaited, highly anticipated return to the city where it all began: Boston. It was a great trip as I got to see Heidi before she moves to California, Tommy before he goes to OBC in Georgia, and Leigh before she moves in with Dan and I never see her again. And I also got to spend Erin's birthday with her while finally getting to see Wedding Crashers! All in all, an action packed weekend that included me saving some guy's life while waiting in line at the movies. Here are some pictures to commemorate the trip.

With the very surprised birthday girl...

With Kristen moments before her roommate Sarah crushed all my hopes and dreams by saying that 'Fair Enough' was played out...

The clique, version 5.0

Katie, you read my mind......

After a night of chest hair jokes, I appropriately enough, find myself as the monkey in the middle between Heidi and Tommy.....

Feeling like a very rich man with Heidi and Katie at the Pour House....

Me trying to act like a tough guy at the Whiskey Bar, voted the Best Neighborhood Bar in America by Maxim.....

Monday, August 08, 2005

Happy Birthday Sean

Just like with Erin here's the wildly popular, 'You Know Your Sean Gordon If', in honor of Sean's 23rd birthday.

You Know Your Sean Gordon If:

You were once told by a security guard at Fenway Park that a search was not necessary since it was impossible to conceal anything in your tight jeans.

You think it's socially acceptable to wear woman's clothing.

You think the Olsen Twins are hot.

And did so when they were on Full House.

Andrew W.K. is the voice on your voicemail.

You know what emo refers to.

You were once a human bowling ball.

You once ran through a water fountain to impress a girl.

You're best friends with Gilbert Godfrey.

You are often confused with Ryan Phillippe.

You were once dressed like a giant orange.

You once got paid to hand out flyers but just threw them away and said that you handed them out.

Everyone thinks your gay even though you get more ass than Jude Law.

The phrase, "hi Craig it's daddy" means something to you.

You once woke up at 5 in the morning and found Ross Senack searching for porn on your computer.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Week in Review

Random thoughts from the last week:

I was surprised to learn that Fortunoffs only has locations in New York and New Jersey. With the way people talk about it around here you would think there would be one on every street corner in other parts of the country.

Who needs the weatherman? I can almost guarantee the weather based on what I wear to school in the morning. If I go with sweatpants it's a sure fire scorcher. If I wear shorts expect a windy, rainy day.

With as much time as we spend on computers these days we forgot how hard it is to write quickly when you're not used to it. My classes this summer, heavy in note taking, are quickly reacquainting me with my old friend, the pen.

Having fingers comes in handy when writing, eating, and looking to pick one's nose. But have we figured out a purpose yet for our toes?

I think that everytime I try to spell Brianpolooza I spell it differently.

Why is it that people can read on the train or even the bus but not in the car?

Who ever designed the streets in Boston with a rotary on every corner and one way streets like you wouldn't believe should be taken out back and shot along with the person who said that sending hand written correspondence shows a personal touch.

I think anybody who would resort to using a blow up doll in order to use the HOV lane is pretty sad. Although, the only thing that separates me from such a person is access to a blow up doll.

While in Boston I saw a parked car that had not one, not two, but three orange traffic cones crushed under it. And everyone says New York drivers are bad!

I spent about half my time this weekend looking for parking spaces in Boston which reminded me of my favorite old joke: Girls are a lot like parking spaces. All the good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped.

On Friday night I went bar hopping with Tommy, Heidi, and Katie. At one point a completly drunken Katie lost a $20 bill in the street and went running after it like it was a winning lottery ticket. After she got it back, she asked, "did I lose anything else?" To which I replied, "not right now but you lost your dignity a long time ago!"

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Imitation Gamers Split Rematch With Stallions

Jones Beach, NY - When you go to Brian Malfettone's house to hang out you don't expect to find Chips Ahoy or Oreo's awaiting your consumation. In fact, you would be remiss to even expect to find the store brand Hydrox. What you should expect to find however is immitation Hydrox. An unrecognizable brand of cookie that tastes like cardboard. And not a nice piece of cardboard either. One of those pieces thats wet and soggy and has been walked all over.

Similarly, the team that took the field today for the Gamers was often unrecognizable.With half the team playing out of position, including starting pitcher Craig Shames in right field (for the first game), 1b Zac Nicholson in right field (for the second game) and outfielder Brian Malfettone at first base (for an inning after pulling his hamstring), it's amazing that the Gamers were not only able to hang with the Stallions but also easily defeat them in the first game, 15-8, before dropping a close game that was tied 7-7 after 5, by a score of 14-9 in the night cap.

The reason the Gamers looked so different defensively is that they were without the Roll Brothers (until Rob came from his baseball game half way through the first game), 3b Johnny Vasquez, and recently acquired infielder Anthony Vega. As such, the Gamers dipped into their AAA affiliate, the Swingers, to add versatile players Mark Wan (the original random peep) and former/soon to be again Gamer, Ian Ziegler. The two Swingers combined to go 4 for 7 with 3 rbis and 5 runs in the first game which was the Gamers first win against the first place Stallions all year.

The Stallions who are still in first place, just percentage points ahead of the Gamers, likely held onto the #1 seed in the playoffs by coming through in the second game. Had the Gamers won they most likely would have taken over first place for the second time this year. As it stands now the Stallions would play the Tattoo Crew in the first round of the playoffs and the Gamers would play the Eagles.

The Gamers expect to win regardless of who their opponent is and they expect to do it by playing the same way they did today against the Stallions. With stellar defense and clutch hitting.

Defensively, 2b Rob Rathbun made it look easy making several diving catches and throwing people out from his knees all day. He and SS Rob Roll also turned a double play on the Stallions' lead off hitter, one of the fastest players in the league. Shames, playing the outfield for only the second time all year, had two outfield assists and a leaping catch although if he only knew had to get reads on the ball he wouldn't have had to leap and probably would have caught the balls that turned into assists. Nonetheless, the Gamers defense was sparkling except for some near collisions in the outfield between Billy Bezouska and Scott Goldsmith and then Bezouska and Nicholson.

Offensively, Rathbun and Goldsmith hit homeruns, Shames and Dave Kheel put on hitting displays (a combined 12 for 16), Bezouksa knocked in five runs, and Nicholson added four hits and 3 rbis. Rob Roll collected three hits, including one batting for Malfettone in the first game. $10 says Malfettone tries to argue that the hit should count for him since it happened in his spot in the batting order. After all, he is the same guy who thinks that if he pinch runs for someone and scores that he should get the run scored and not the batter.

Bookkeeping arguements aside (Zac already double checked everything) the Gamers can rest up and start focusing on their playoff opponents, the Eagles and Tattoo Crew/Stallions. It's on now.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Happy Birthday Erin!

Today my good friend, Erin, turns 23? 24? 25? 36? I have no clue honestly. I didn't even know it was her birthday until two days ago when Kristen told me. Luckily I was going to Boston anyway so I passed it off to Erin as though I was coming up just for her birthday. Sounds messed up I know but at least it's better than clear forgetting her birthday like I did two years ago and almost did again this year. What do you want from me? It's the summer and I'm distracted by talking shit in my fantasy baseball leagues.

But I'm here now and in honor of her 24th? birthday here's a look inside the life of Erin Burns with everyone's favorite feature, You Know Your Erin Burns If:

You were once told that you had a wide face.

You are one of only five people in the world who knows what sleep apnea is.

You are a member of the clique.

You get annoyed when your friend Craig talks about your cousin.

A 32 year old doctor has a crush on you.

You go to Disney World at least once a year.

You know where Punta Cana is.

You are friends with a drug dealer.

You refer to mini-golf as put put.

You are always trying to kiss people when they aren't looking.

You like to break your falls by grabbing onto people's crouches.

You car and your closet are one in the same.

You think it's funny to put candy up people's noses.

You join clubs that you have no interest in just to spend time with your friends.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

F'ing My Space

I hate conforming with society. It's why I refuse to drink or try new foods. It's why I don't listen when people tell me that wearing socks with sandals is a major fashion no-no. It's why I will never forgive myself for getting an earing in seventh grade when I tried to fit in with my new classmates. If there is one thing that I pride myself on being, it's original. Sometimes embarrassingly so.

That's why it pains me to conform with society and join the growing My Space movement at I had already caved in once and joined The Facebook. Now I find myself caving in once again and wasting more of my precious (yeah, right) time in yet another online community.

The worse part about such communities are the profiles that you have to create for them. Between myspace, facebook, and the 17 dating services that I belong to, I actually now have more online profiles than fantasy baseball teams. And they all say the same thing. About me: 23 year old virgin whose unemployed and still lives at home with his parents. Interested in: Anything I can get. Most recognizable feature: chest hair.

Despite the hassle of having to create yet another profile I joined nonetheless. The desire to be cool was a small factor. The major reason: the ability to link up with the cast members from Lost, each of whom has a profile with pics and a blog. I'm still not sure if it's actually them, or if it's just writers for the show or fans of the show pretending to be them. Either way it's cool to say that you're my space friends with celebrities.

At least I think so. But then again I also think that twizzlers are one of the four major food groups.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

In Defense of Blogging

There seems to be some dissension amongst the ranks in the blogging community over the issue of whether or not to blog every day or just once in a while. And by dissension I mean a recent post on Malf's Mouth that ripped the frequency of my blog as opposed to the once a month dabbles at entertainment of that site.

Brian's diatribe, however hurtful, does raise the interesting question of how much is too much? Should blogs be daily whenever possible or just when the writer has something really good to write about it? Which in my case is everyday but in Brian's case is about once every five weeks.

I'm not sure there's a definitive answer to that. After all, I do both. Daily for this blog. Weekly for Shame(s) on You. Gamers all Access lies somewhere in between.

Determining which frequency works best for you depends on the content of your blog and your target audience. (That sentence sounds like it should be found in an article on how to start your own blog.) Nonetheless, it rings true.

For example, I'm a Headcase is all about my life, a daily journal or diary of sorts, with limitless entries about current events, day to day occurrences in my life, and random thoughts I've been storing up since before I knew what a blog was. It doesn't matter if there are so many posts that people can't even keep up with my inside jokes. It's not for everybody else's sake. It's for my own mostly. As a sort of online therapy. If there are people out there who enjoy reading it, then great. If not, it's still going to continue indefinitely because I can't imagine not doing it each night before I go to bed.

On the other hand, Shame(s) on You is published far less frequently. Mostly because it's the only one of my three blogs that can get away with being weekly since there isn't something happening every day in the sports world to rant about.

I don't think it's any coincidence that Shame(s) on You has been the less successful of my three blogs. Very few people know about it and the ones that do never know when to check it since it's updated so sporadically.

That's why daily blogs are better. People know to check it out everyday because there will always be something up there. It's something to look forward to. A constant in your life, like reading the newspaper each morning or knowing that I'm hooking up with your girlfriend. I feel that it's much better to get into a routine like that than to have to randomly check up on a blog that eventually you forget about entirely.

With that having been said I'd much rather blog everyday just for the thrill of trying to one up myself with new material each day. A weekly blog would be too easy. I have too much to say to limit myself like that. And besides, I have fans (Montana girl), online stalkers (Northeastern girl), and people who are in denial that they have a crush on me (Whitney girl) who need their daily fix of Craig. The last thing that I want to do is disappoint them.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to rant about Rafael Palmeiro.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Healthcare Headaches

So Mark came home from the hospital on Saturday and checked back in on Sunday. I kid you not. This time he came down with pneumonia which when I say it sounds like something you clean the kitchen with. Coincidence? I think not.

Most likely he caught it while he was in the ER for his heart attack. Which reminds me of the time I got the flu from getting a check up at the doctor's office. There are so many germs and viruses at these places that I try to avoid going to the doctor at all costs.

While Mark's been in the hospital I've been able to observe some flaws in our healthcare system and I'm not just talking about the cost of your HMO. Here are some of my recommendations:

Free basic healthcare like in Canada.

Since you get a recording when you call into 911 the recording should at least give you options like press 1 if you need an ambulance, press 2 if you're suffering from the heat, press 3 if you need the police, etc.

They could also give you alternate phone numbers like to the fire department.

Masks for visitors so that they don't get sick just walking through the ER.

Help call buttons on the beds in the ER.

New preventative technologies that can measure what percent your arteries are blocked at before you get a heart attack.

Health care providers paying for such preventative tests.

No cost for ambulance rides when being transferred from one hospital to the next.

Monday, August 01, 2005


After an action packed weekend the highly anticipated, long awaited, extremely overhyped Brianpolooza extravaganza is finally over. And Billy's wild berry bushes in his backyard will never be the same again.

Some highlights of the festivities:

The block that Brian used to live on had a block party on Saturday afternoon prompting Brian to ask, "how come they never had a party while we lived on the street!" After attending and finding four people there, two of which were a father and son having a catch, Brian replied, "no wonder."

During wiffleball on Saturday I hit three homeruns and tore it up to win MVP honors. My emotional high was quickly reduced however as Billy and Brian M. told everyone including our guest of honor some not so flattering stories about some of my other recent athletic accomplishments including how I tried to throw a runner out at home plate in a recent softball game by running the ball back into the infield and how I struck out in kickball.

Brian B. won the first annual Brianpolooza food eating contest, downing a double cheeseburger just one second ahead of Russell by taking one of the largest bites in the recorded history of mankind. Maybe Russell would have had more room in his stomach if he hadn't just spent five hours eating wild berries in Billy's backyard.

Russell did have a consolation prize though as he had the two best lines of the night telling Brian M. to stop moving in on his shit after Brian sat down next to his girlfriend, Sona, and then telling all of us what the great philosopher 50 Cent once said about lesbians.

Sunday night, the festivities wound down with $20 buy in No Limit Texas Hold 'Em. All I can say is that at least I wasn't the first person eliminated.

Brian with the wiffle ball he broke; one of the only ones I didn't hit for a homerun on the day