Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Oh Boston how I miss thee. Or do I?

When I was up in Boston this past weekend my friend Heidi asked me if I missed Boston. I didn't have a good answer ready because I hadn't really thought about it since I left. Eventually I said some corny line about missing the people more than the city but that was just to get a hug from Heidi so she'd rub up against me.

The truth is that I'm still not sure. So in order to find out I'm going to take the following time to make a few lists to find out once and for all my feelings towards Beantown. So without further adieu....

Things I miss:

The people - turns out I really meant that
Walking/running/rollerblading along the Charles River - especially during twilight
Steak tip dinner from Cappy's 2 and chicken finger dinner from BHOP meetings in the library
Hallway baseball
Triple threat No Mercy matches with Sean and Chris
Screaming out Ton-yyyyyyyy
Watching Tommy's drunken escapades
ROTC and Class Council

Things I don't miss:

The pizza
The bagels
The delis
Not being able to wear my Yankees hat or jacket in public
Roommates who think its funny to shoot off people's hats with their high powered snipper rifles in video games
The weather
Fury friends scurrying across my floors
The overcrowded t
Stuck up kids from BC
All the rotary's and one way streets
Getting attacked by homeless people

And the verdict is....good place to visit but not to live in. Sorry Mel. :(

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