Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Election Day Digressions

I majored in political science and yet I'm still just as apathetic as the next guy. If not more so. Which is why with my local town elections being held today I have about as much motivation to go vote as I do to get my ass cheeks stapled together.

In presidential elections my apathy is usually traced to my disdain for both candidates and the fact that I'd rather not vote than vote for 1 of 2 assclowns who suck equally. This time around my apathy can be traced to the fact that I don't know who the hell these guys are.

I could vote along party lines but that would be hard considering that I consider myself an independent, democrat, and republican depending on the issue. That's why I'd rather vote for the person but when you don't know them and have never met them it's hard to cast a vote blindly.

Which brings me to the heart of the matter of today's rant. Why do politics suck so much? Why can't I vote for the Mayor of NYC if I can watch their tv commercials, read newspaper commentary about their campaigns, and frequent their city which will undoubtedly be affected by their administrations? I know that I don't pay taxes in New York City but neither do the rich with their numerous loopholes and yet they still get to vote.

Moreover, why do people lament voter turnout when there's not a popular vote? If my vote doesn't technically count since I live in a democratic stronghold and the candidate I want will get voted in even if I don't vote where's my motivation to cast a ballot? Make it a popular election across the board and you'll see a higher turnout rate. But they won't do that. Some bullshit excuse about what our founding fathers would have wanted. But times have changed and the electoral college is about as outdated as a porno starring Marilyn Chambers. If we would have had an outright popular vote Al Gore would have been President and we probably wouldn't be in this mess in Iraq that we're presently in.

And while I'm ranting why are there only attack ads, smear campaigns, and mud slinging these days? Whatever happened to saying why you should be in office not why someone else shouldn't? And lastly does anyone even know what a comptroller does?

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