Monday, February 13, 2006

The Blizzard of 2006

Well it finally happened. That damn groundhog was right again and after a pretty mild winter we got hammered with two feet of snow over the weekend. Now I can turn on my tv and see snow at the Olympic games or just look out the window. When am I moving to Florida again?

The near record downfall has left me snowed in and given me plenty of time to search for jobs and clean my room. Yeah, right. All I've done all weekend, thanks to Russell, is play I've also found a little bit of time to play video games, research fantasy baseball players, and blog.

Speaking of which while I was outside shovelling for 6 hours today I thought of a few snow related thoughts. First off, how come as a society we haven't invented a better way of removing the snow? Is a shovel, ice scraper, and plow attached to the front of a pick up truck the best that we can do? Can't we install a nationwide heating system that heats the streets via steam coming up from the sewer system thereby melting the snow so that we don't have to pile it up? I mean, some how, some way there has to be an easier way than back breaking shovelling.

Secondly, why can't we invent warmer clothing? Is it really necesary for me to have to wear 7 layers? I literally had two pairs of socks on, underwear, long johns, three pairs of pants, six layers over my upper body with a hood, ear warmer, and of course gloves. That's a little ridicilious don't you think? I'm doing laundry again already and I just did it yesterday!

And lastly have you ever noticed that it only snows on the weekend? It's like I'm not allowed to miss a day of work or something. So work won't be cancelled and I'll show up only to find out that there's nothing to do because no one else could make it in. That's like when I was in college and classes would still be on, so I'd sledge all the way across campus, just to find a note on the door that said class cancelled because the teacher who lives in Cape Code couldn't make it in. Unbelievable!

I would rant more, especially about punk kids who think it's funny to throw snowballs at my car but I should go now and thaw out. After all, it's kind of hard to type when you can't feel your fingers.

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