Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Costume Ideas

Halloween is upon us which can only mean one thing...time to dress up like a whore!!! Or at least that's what every girl is going to be doing. But that doesn't help me much. Which begs the question what should I be for Halloween?

With everything that's going on with the economy I would love to go with a recession themed costume. I was thinking about going as a giant bucket to represent the bail out. Or perhaps paint myself gold and go as a golden parachute. But those ideas are about as bad as the decision to give out sub prime mortgages.

So I've moved onto my number two choice which is to go as Sarah Palin. Which is pretty much what everyone in the free world is also going to be doing. Heck, even Lindsay Lohan has said that she'll be going as Palin. Maybe a throw everyone a curveball then and go as Lindsay. Shouldn't be too hard to pull off. I'd just go around all night acting drunk.

Speaking of acting, I was also thinking about going as Dr. House. That way I could just walk around with a cane and act like a total ass to everyone, making pithy comments to my heart's content. But if I did that then Halloween would just be like every other day of my life and that wouldn't be any fun.

Which leaves?!??!?! You tell me. What should I be for Halloween?

Should I rock the Palin costume?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe for Halloween you should go as someone who's funny. Never think or write ever again.