Thursday, October 13, 2005

Three Things

I saw this feature on someone else's blog and thought it was a good idea so here we go:

10 years ago I:

1. Moved to Oceanside.
2. Still hadn't reached puberty yet.
3. Had a cat named Patches.

5 years ago I:

1. Was in the only serious relationship I've been in as of yet.
2. Thought that spending $100,000 at Northeastern was better than spending 4 years at Albany.
3. Was celebrating the last time the Yankees would ever win the World Series.

2 years ago I:

1. Was training to be an officer in the United States Army.
2. Was the President of Class Council.
3. Helped create

1 year ago I:

1. Quit the Army.
2. Moved back to New York.
3. Starting working at Adelphi University.

Yesterday I:

1. Mourned the Yankees playoff ouster.
2. Went to the gym to vent.
3. Searched for jobs.

3 things I can't live without:

1. Licorice nibs.
2. Lost.
3. The internet.

3 things I would buy with $1,000:

1. Tivo.
2. A bunch of lottery tickets.
3. New softball equipment.

3 bad habits I have:

1. Picking my nose (just kidding)
2. Binge eating late at night.
3. Sleeping until 2 pm on the weekends.

3 shows I like:

1. Lost.
2. One Tree Hill.
3. Gilmore Girls.

3 things that scare me:

1. Black people when I'm walking home by myself (just kidding, Billy)
2. Spiders.
3. Heights.

3 things that I'm wearing right now:

1. Nothing (I type in the nude).

3 of my favorite bands:

1. Kelly Clarkson.
2. Ashlee Simpson.
3. Hilary Duff.

3 things I want to do really badly right now:

1. Talk about Lost theories.
2. Eat licorice.
3. Go to bed.

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