Sunday, October 23, 2005

Weekend At Bore-nies

Lately, I think I've been experiencing something that most people experience after graduating from college and moving back home: complete and utter weekend boredom.

Now that's not the case for people who are lucky enough to be in a relationship. Those people can just stay in with their significant other and watch a movie. Nor is it the case for drunken flussies who bar hop or go clubbing in hopes of finding a notch to add to their belts.

But it is most certainly the case for people, like me, who wane for something to do not involving alchohol. In talking with Russell this weekend I realized just how few things there are to do on a Friday or Saturday night. A short list of non-traditional activities include:

Hitting golf balls at the driving range or baseballs/softballs at the batting cages

Arcade games/ski ball like activities at Jillians

Mini golf/bowling/pool hall

Poker night

Sporting event

None of which really get your adrenaline flowing, which is a problem when you spend your whole week looking forward to the weekends. Maybe I should just start drinking heavily...

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