Tuesday, January 17, 2006

2006 To Do List

Here's a look at what I hope to accomplish in 2k6 even though I'm probably just going to post a list containing all the same things 11 months from now entitled, "what I wanted to accomplish in 2006 but didn't":

A trip to Vancounver to visit Pable and Laura

A trip to Uruguay

A trip to California

A trip to Vegas

A trip to Europe

A trip to anywhere not on the East Coast of the U.S.

Land a teaching job

Move somewhere but most likely to Florida

Go white water rafting

Go camping

Go to every major league baseball team's spring training facility and watch a game

Watch Pirates of the Caribbean 2 at least ten times in the theatres

Buy a CD

Join a historical society or book club

Find an alcoholic beverage other than a screw driver to drink

Continue to fuck shit up with Malfy

Play a whole lotta craps

Actually go to the gym

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