Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Am I Missing Out?

Well it took a few weeks but my co-workers have finally realized how weird I am. Surprisingly, it's not even because of my eating habits, the fact that I go to the bathroom 17 times a day, or a result of my obsession with dating a hollywood celebrity.

Rather, they can't get over the fact that I have never seen some classic movies. I'm talking a whose who of must sees. Everything from the The Godfather Trilogy to Scarface to Animal House. If it's referenced by hip hop gangsters as being the inspiration for their latest soundtrack I almost definitely didn't see it. In fact, anything made before I was born I probably haven't seen with the only exceptions being it's a Wonderful Life and the Wizard of Oz.

Post 1990 on the other hand I've probably seen almost everything. And I mean everything. From A to Z. From American Pie to Zethora. We'll just chalk that up to being a product of the fact that I have no life.

The funny thing is that even though I know I would enjoy watching some of these classic movies I have absolutely no desire to. Maybe I'll catch a part of something when it comes on tv but I'm certainly not going to check the tv listings to see what's playing on AMC anytime soon.

Maybe it's to my own detriment and perhaps I'm missing out but I'd rather not waste my time playing catch up when I can just focus on the current films. I figure if I see everything that's out now then I'll definitely be able to hold my own in a converation at my high school reunion. And as we all know there's nothing more important in one's life than their high school reunion. Just ask Romy and Michelle.

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