Saturday, May 10, 2008

Twilight Zone Update

For over a year now I've believed that I've been living in what I can only describe as a version of the Twilight Zone. Basically what has been happening is that whatever I have thought about has come true in some format. Most people will say then why don't you think about getting a girlfriend, job, or a million bucks. But it doesn't work like that. I can't think about something and have it happen. It's more of like I have to think about something without consciously doing so. It seems to me as though conscious thoughts don't work out but if I daydream about something or just think about it in passing for a quick minute then it comes true.

I have literally thousands of examples that I could give you to try to make a believer out of you but a recent one works best I think. Last week I was watching tv and come across MTV and Nick Cannon's show Wild N' Out. I said to myself that Nick Cannon is somewhat of a big star at this point. I bet that when he's go out to the hot spots in LA everyone is cool with him. It's like if Hollywood was High School he would be the BMOC. As I continued to think about Cannon I thought to myself that as big of a star as he is he's not quite that big. It would be good for his career if he had a high profile relationship with another big star. Someone even bigger than him. 2 days later it was announced that Cannon and Mariah Carey were married!!!!

Are you a believer now?

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