Monday, June 20, 2005

Can I Keep Up the Pace?

Over the weekend, I pitched an idea to the guys at S39 for an entire section called "Craig's Corner" that will include at least 5 separate blogs covering everything that's happening in the world of sports.

Those five blogs plus my softball team one and this one would give me a world record setting seven blogs and cement my place as the biggest loser on the face of the Earth. Although I think maintaining 23 fantasy baseball teams and watching every episode of Laguna Beach may have already done that.

But in all seriousness, I am worried that my new schedule may have me spread out thinner than Lindsay Lohan come this fall. Wouldn't it suck if once I start taking classes at Nassau Community College I might no longer have the time to entertain you all? Oh, who am I kidding, it's fucking Nassau CC. I could have gotten a 4.0 there when I was in kindergarten.

False alarm, the quirky observations and unparalleled wit will still be here for all to enjoy. Now if you'll excuse me I gotta run and update my other blogs.

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