Monday, June 06, 2005

You Can Call Me Mr. S

Although I will also answer to Mr. Shames and Coach. That's right bitches, my life altering career path has been decided...I'm going to be a high school social studies teacher while simultaneously coaching some sports, advising the school newspaper, and chaperoning the prom and what not.

Since I still have the maturity of a 9th grader, watch TRL every afternoon, have a crush on Chad Michael Murray, and think that Kelly Clarkson's 'since you've been gone' is the best song ever, it's only fitting that I work at a high school.

The only bad part is that I have to go get my master's degree now, which will take about two years and I would still need a part-time job during that time. In theory, I could bartend but that would be silly since I don't know how to open a beer or what to put in a margarita. Although, whoever hires me wouldn't have to worry about me drinking the profits.

Seriously though, I'm really excited about becoming a teacher. So if you'll excuse me I'm going to go watch the School of Rock and see if I can pick up anything. Oh, and for homework watch the Inferno II and tell me what happens in 500 words or less.

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