Wednesday, December 28, 2005

2005 Blog In Review

I could ask a hundred people what their favorite part about my blog is and after the first 95 say that they've never even heard of it the remaining 5 would probably give me 5 different answers. It was hard for me too after 8 months of blogging to come up with all inclusive list of my favorite moments. As such, I've decided to recap the highlights in a chronological look at the Chronicles of Craig:

5/8/2005 - My blog debuts: All events in my life prior to this date will now be referred to as B.B. (before blogging).

5/11/2005 - I figure out how to integrate pictures into my blog which doesn't sound like much but is a big step for me considering that I still don't know how to work a VCR. I've got to be the worst nerd ever.

5/13/2005 - I google myself and find out that there's a mountain named after me. (

5/20/2005 - First Star Wars reference appears. Blog readership dwindles from 9 to 4.

6/09/2005 - By popular demand excerpts from the infamous 'ruminations on college recruiting life' debut.

6/13/2005 - Introduce my theory of virginity in which a new base scale is introduced. First base is no longer kissing, its now briefly touching the hand of a female cashier as she gives you your change back. Hilarity ensues.

6/18/2005 - A recap of my 'Shame(s) on You' story about female NASCAR drive Danica Patrick gets printed in the Chicago Tribue. Angry feminists proceed to rip my blog. All hell breaks lose.

6/27/2005 - I write about scientology and come up with great lines including this one: After all, if there really was a God don't you think he would have found a way to keep Joan of Arcadia on the air?

Week of 7/5/2005 - In honor of taking some history courses at NCC I spend a week filling everyone in on the history of my life. The verdict is still out on which was more boring: reading about my life or reading about life in Mongolia in the 1600's.

8/4/2005 - I find out about myspace. I begrudingly join even though I don't want to conform with society.

8/11/2005 - The first installment of Craig's Lists debuts. Surprisingly no lawsuit yet. Although I wasn't so lucky in regards to that Derek Jeter restraining order.

8/25/2005 - NU President Freeland resigns. I nominate myself to replace him. Collective laugh from search committe could be heard all the way from Boston.

9/15/2005 - 'Rob Roll's Guide To Being a Better Baller' becomes an instant phenomenom. Kind of like Anna Kournikova but with less google searches.

10/26/2005- My first 'Whole Lot of Shame' article debuts which is a good thing since I'm the kind of guy who could complain about anything even Heaven.

11/23/2005 - I rip Sodoku further negating whatever credibility I may have had since I'm now addicted to it.

11/30/2005 - After six months I finally get a job! Blog to suffer.

12/19/2005 - I post my top ten list of celebs that I think are hot. Not surprisingly, no one agrees with my order.

12/28/2005 - I waste my night writing a Blog In Review.

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