Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Change of Plans

I know that I said I was going to unveil a list of my best one liners from the past eight months today but while rereading my blog to come up with said list I realized that it was an exercise in futility. You see I ran into the problem of having said too many funny things to justify coming up with a list of them.

Well, that and 8 months worth of archived blogs was just too much for even me to read and I wrote that crap. I can't imagine someone else coming along and sitting down to read that grammatically incorrect psycho babble.

Which is why tomorrow I'll make it easier on myself and all of you and just recap my favorite blog moments. Then on Thursday I'll nominate and give out the awards at the same time. The rest of the schedule should remain the same.

Until then I'm going to ponder how it is that I woke up over the weekend suddenly smart enough to figure out how to solve Sodoku puzzles of all levels. I went from not being able to do even one row of it to being able to beat them in under 15 minutes. I must be getting smarter from not having sex just like George in that classic Seinfeld episode. But if that's the case why did it take so long for my brains to kick in? I should have been in Mensa by now!

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