Saturday, July 22, 2006

Week In Review

Random thoughts from the last week:

I think I can get drunk off of Chicken Marsala.

I don't get all this talk about sticking it to the man? Who is this man that keeps on getting sticked? Does he mind getting sticked? If that was me I would be getting pretty mad that so many people want to stick it to me. I would hate to be the guy that finally provokes this man into retailation.

Have you ever felt like you were being followed? Well if you're walking to your car in a crowded parking lot you probably are.

At what point does your taste change with music and clothes? Like when I get older am I going to like the music that's out then or will I be listening to an oldies station that's playing Greenday and U2? And at what point did I stop shopping at the Gap and start shopping at Sears? Does this happen gradually or all at once?

I hate that guys are supposed to give up their jackets to girls if they are cold. I mean we were smart enough to bring one so why should we be the ones to freeze?! It doesn't make any sense.

If I go to the pick up line at the pharmacy does the girl that works there have to give me her phone number?

Why is it that your own voice sounds different to other people than to yourself but when you do impersonations it sounds like it should to everybody?

Starbursts are known as fruit chews which raises an interesting question: what the hell is a chew? Is it a form of currency since chocolate bars were based on gold bars?

Do you think that there are people out there you have a religious fetish? I mean it would be one thing if people only want to date within their religion but I wonder if people take it as far as to get turned on by religion. Like their idea of foreplay is going to church. Or their idea of roleplaying is getting dressed up like a priest and nun. Perhaps they go to the local porn shop and rent Debbie Does the Vatican.

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