Friday, May 12, 2006

Weekly Twilight Zone Update

It's been well documented for some time now that I've been living in a Twilight Zone episode as every single thing that I would think about or talk about would then come to frution in some shape or form. Here are this week's examples:

1. Sunday at the Marlins game, Brian's friend Mara was saying how she almost wore a Cardinals hat since she was going to be rooting for them and not the home team Marlins. She said she felt like Elaine in that Seinfeld episode when she wears an Orioles hat to a Yankees game and gets asked to take it off.

So sure enough later that night when I was lying in bed watching tv what else should I stumble upon but that Seinfeld episode when Elaine wears an Orioles hat to a Yankees game. Come on now. I don't think I'm going to watch tv anymore. I might just get sucked into it.

2. Monday at work just as I was thinking about this girl Camille on my softball team a co-worker called at the name Camille to get the attention of a co-worker with the same name. A coincidence? I think not.

3. Wednesay at work while thinking of the show 24 for yesterday's blog article I was sent a file for a book. It was supposed to contain over 100 chapters. But do to a formatting problem only the first 24 chapters came through.

4. Thursday at work just minutes after wondering if this was the kind of office that celebrated people's birthdays like my last job did there was a huge rush of people into the conference room to sing happy birthday. It's almost as if I knew that was about to happen.

5. And to top all of that off there's been a few references to the actual Twilight Zone. It came up in a Seinfeld episode on Tuesday night and then Wednesday night during the Yankees-Red Sox telecast Joe Morgan made a reference to Rod Sterling.

If that's not enough proof for you check back next week because I'm sure they'll be even more examples. There's definitely something going on here and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

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