Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I Live In A Fantasy World

In the real world I'm finding that success is hard to come by. Whether it's socially, economically, romantically and any other ally that you can name. I can't even win a slow pitch softball championship if my life depended on it. And yet in the fantasy world that I spend most of my time in I'm one of the most decorated champions of all time. Over 70 top three finishes in fantasy baseball, football, and basketball leagues over the last four years. I'm like the Michael Phelps of fantasy sports.

I've gotten so good in fact that I'm actually at the point where I'm treating my leagues as a part time job of sorts since winning can net hundreds of dollars in profits. Currently I'm in six fantasy baseball pay leagues and I'm on pace to win money in five of them with an outside chance of winning money in the sixth with a strong finish.

Which begs the age old question of just how important are fantasy sports in my life? If I met the girl of my dreams tomorrow and she told me that I had to chose between her and fantasy sports what would I say?

To be perfectly honest....I would ask her if she knew who Alcides Escobar was. If she said yes I would propose to her right there on the spot. If she said no I would tell her to take a hike. You may think I'm crazy for saying that but I would rather participate in a live fantasy football draft than spoon with my girlfriend while watching The Notebook. Okay maybe that's a bad example because I'm sure that every guy in the world would rather go to the draft but you get my point. Fantasy sports are a big part of my life and I would never want to give that up for a girl. And any girl that would want you to do that isn't the right girl for you.

But all of that is really a moot point since we all know that I'm never going to find a girlfriend. Which is why I spend so much time with fantasy sports. It gives me something to do to take my mind off the fact that I can't get laid. Instead of worrying about how I have to hurry up and find a girlfriend before my hairline recedes any further I just focus on trying to trade for Albert "Winnie The" Pujols. Without fantasy sports I would probably be in therapy three times a week trying to figure out why I like cheese and hamburgers but not cheeseburgers.

Suffice it to say I think it's a good thing that I live in a fantasy world.

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