Friday, April 25, 2008

The New Craig

A lot has changed in the last 21 months. Neil Patrick Harris is back on tv. The Red Sox are good, the Yankees suck. A member of the Spears family is pregnant and it's not Britney. Things change. People change. I've changed. To help keep you up to speed on the new Craig, version 17.0, here's a quick look at some of the biggest changes:

1. I'm no longer a Yankees fan. I realized this when I was attending last week's Yankees-Red Sox game. At one point I actually stood up and cheered after Red Sox CF Jacoby Ellsbury stole second base and then again later on when Manny Ramirez hit a HR. It's sad but I only root for players on my fantasy teams now. Plus the Yankees suck anyway. Go Dharma Intiative: Better Than All The Others!!!!!

2. I have a new favorite tv show: Move over Lost there's a new top dog in town. Starz' new hit Headcase is the greatest show...ever. It's so good that I even like it more than Gossip Girl. Aside from having a ridiculously awesome title it also happens to be ridiculously awesome. Picture a therapist to the stars living in Hollywood who has more issues than the patients she sees. Then picture stars playing themselves and making total fools of themselves. Instant hit. (Check out the link below)

3. For some reason everything that's miniature tastes better. (Insert Jewish joke here) First it was licorice nibs. Then tater tots. Now it's mini oreos and mini chips ahoy. There's just something about them that tastes different than their larger brethren. It's like you're compressing all the flavor from one whole cookie into one bite so you're getting more bang for your buck. From now on I'm only going to eat miniature things!!!

4. I have a new favorite store: Steve and Barry's. I don't know who Steve and Barry are but they sound like cool guys to me. After all, how can you not like guys who are basically giving away clothes. Everything in the store is $8 or less. That's right, I said $8 or less. You can literally get a pair of sneakers or a winter coat for $8!!!! There's got to be a catch though. So chances are I'm wearing something that was made in a sweat shop and inevitably it will shrink after one wearing. But still. Only $8!!!! At those prices I could live the life of a rapper and literally throw my clothes away after one wearing.

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