Thursday, July 13, 2006

Craig's Lists: Things That Suck

No apartments for rent here. Just a hilarious list. This week I take a look at things that suck:

Missing your exit on a parkway and not being able to turn around again for 20 miles.

Realizing that you left food at the grocery store after you get home.

Getting the wrong order after leaving a take out place.

Taking a bite of something spicy and then realizing that you don't have anything to drink.

Drawing on yourself with a pen.

Stepping in gum.

Stepping in dog poo.

Stepping in a puddle.

Getting locked out of your house with the stove on.

Setting off your nieghbor's car alarm just after he leaves to go away for the weekend.

President Bush at public speaking.

Leaving tickets at home when going to either the airport or a sporting event.

Having your identity stolen.

Having movers steal your vortex football. Yeah I'm still bitter.

Coming up with a great idea for an invention and then finding out that somebody already beat you to it.

Getting cheated on.

Your mom.

Movies made by the Wayans Brothers.

Taking your pants to the dry cleaners and then realizing that you don't have any more pants to wear to work the next day.

Having a girl tell you she's not ready to start dating and then the next day she starts dating someone else.

Getting 3/4 through a movie you rented at Blockbuster and then finding out it's scratched.

Spilling wine on a new carpet.

Jennifer Love Hewitt's singing career.

In grown toe nails.

Getting caught masturbating.

Having to move to a new town during high school.

Getting crabs.

Brian's comedy routine.

This list.

This blog.

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