Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Craig's Lists: You Might Be A Jerk If

No apartments for rent here. Just a hilarious list. This week I'll be taking a look at things you may do if you shop at the jerk store.

You Might Be A Jerk If:

You belong to a country club.

You play golf or tennis.

You have a fancy job title.

You have a custom license plate.

You've knocked over a snowman.

Your favorite show is South Park.

You engage in road rage.

You yell at the tv during sporting events.

You've stolen someone else's parking spot.

You manage a softball team.

You think it would be funny to knock over a little kid's ice cream cone.

You know that the seat next to you has water on it and you see someone about to sit there but you don't say anything.

You've thrown someone into a pool.

You've corrected someone else's grammar mid sentence.

You write letters to the editor.

You write letters to companies to complain about every little thing.

You've talked on the phone while going to the bathroom.

You make your waiter repeatedly take back your food until it's just right and then leave a small tip.

You operate on your own standard of time.

Hugh Laurie on House is your favorite tv character.

Your favorite kind of humor is insult comedy.

You've taken a parking ticket of someone's car and put it on someone elses.

You like to pull pranks on people.

You make fun of everyone even your own friends.

You were the pledge master of your fraternity.

The Jerk with Steve Martin is your favorite movie.

You borrow things from friends like movies or video games with no intention of ever returning them.

You don't contribute money when someone invites you out.

You show up at a party and don't bring anything.

You play games with the opposite sex.

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