Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Independence Day

I bet you thought that this post was going to be about celebrating our nation's independence. However, since 70% of the country doesn't even know the words to the national anthem I'm willing to bet that nobody wants to read an article about that. If you really know me well you might have been expecting to find a tribute to Will Smith and the greatest movie of all time. But since it's been ten years since Bill Pullman had a leading role in a movie I think it's time to move on.

That leaves celebrating my own personal independence as the subject of today's blog. It's been exactly three months since I've been living down in Florida and in honor of my new found independence from the mother land I plan on going out hard tonight. And by that I mean having a wine cooler or two in my backyard before setting off a sparkler and calling it a night.

It's funny how differently you look at things once you're living on your own. I used to refer to a homecook meal as chicken cutlets and pasta or steak and french fries. Something wholesome and delicious that filled me up. Nowadays though a homecooked meal consists of heating up leftovers in the microwave. Previously, straigtening up meant making my bed and putting away my laundry. Now it means scrubbing the toilet and doing my laundry amongst a hundred other things.

In closing, let me just tell all of you aspiring patriots out there reading this from the comfort of your parent's basement. Stay put! Stay there for as long as you can. Stay there until they ask you to quarter troops. Stay there until you are taxed without representation. Because if you get out before then, before you know how to cook a seven course meal, then the next thing you'll be celebrating won't be independence day but redependence day.

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