Friday, July 07, 2006

Weekly Twilight Zone Update

The craziness continues with the following examples including some that are just downright freaky:

1. After seeing Superman Returns on Sunday I retrieved a 12 pack of diet pepsi from my aunt's car to give to my dad. The package of course had a promo for Superman Returns on it. It's not the fact that the package had a Superman ad on it since a lot of things probably have similar ads on it. It's the fact that the very first commercial item that I saw upon leaving the theatre was for Superman.

2. The following item could probably just be chalked up to coincidence although it's a rather large one. On the way to the movie theatre I saw a suped up car that was basically a convertible converted into a hummer. It was a low riser with huge wheels. I've never seen anything like it before. And it was an ugly yellowish color so it really stood out. Anyway I saw that car before and after the movie which is odd since it was a gap of about four hours. What are the odds of that? Perhaps there have been other items that have been repeating in my everyday life and I just haven't noticed all of them.

3. I talked with my friend Mara about various movies on Tuesday including the great Tom Hanks movie, Castaway. The very next night at a comedy show one of the comedians did an impersonation of Tom Hanks in Castaway. After the show I was watching tv before going to bed and stopped on the Wizard of Oz. The very next day I found out that Mara had been in a performance of the Wizard of Oz in middle school.

But those examples aren't even that freaky compared to this next one. And that is because Mara's apartment number is 524 which of course is my birthday. It's almost as if we were supposed to meet. Weird, huh? Furthermore we both eat a salad exactly the same way: iceburg lettuce, carrots, cuccumbers, and no dressing. Now that's freaky!

There were of course other smaller examples throughout the week such as me listening to a Lost podcast at work on Friday that mentioned references between the show and Stephen King books which I of course then found one of in the lunchroom. I also had an arguement with Brian about Texas Ranger utilityman Mark DeRosa earlier in the week and later that night he hit a homerun. Like I said the craziness continues each and every day.

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