Monday, May 08, 2006

The Blog Turns One

I just realized that today marks the one year anniversary of!!!!!

Which means that for the last 365 days I have brought you my quirky, zany brand of humor as only I can. From lists to editorials to anecdotes from my life I've used every possible medium through which to entertain you all. Well, almost every possible medium.

That's because I have only begun to scratch the surface of my creativity. This coming year I will delve deeper into the depths of my subconscience with all new features such as:

My original short story series, The True Adventures of Patches Fitzpatrick.

A complete overview of my comedy routines called the Comedy Chronicles of Craig.

And a brand new column that you won't find anywhere else entitled, 'In Defense Of', in which I will defend those people and places that get unmercifully ridiculed by the masses.

All that plus lots more including interactive surveys, controversial debates and all your old favorites such as Shame(s) on You editorials, Craig's lists, my world famous Week In Review ruminations, and of course the Shames-o-matic prediction meter.

So don't go anywhere, I'm just getting started.

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