Friday, May 19, 2006

Weekly Twilight Zone Update

The crazy continues with even more examples of the eery. Here's a look at this week's examples. You decide if I'm living in the twilight zone or it's merely coincidence:

Last saturday at Brian's birthday pool party one of this friends started talking about Bum Fights. Which of course Brian and I had just talked about Friday night after a bum asked us for money outside of a Walgreens.

Monday at work I was thinking about what I have to do to become a teacher and as I was doing so a promo came on the radio for an upcoming King of Queens episode in which Doug becomes a substitute teacher after his regular job goes on strike. Now what are the chances that I would hear a promo for a show involving teaching as I was thinking about? Especially when the show in question isn't about teaching and has probably never mentioned teaching outside of that one episode.

Thursday I thought that I should pick Elisha Cuthbert from 24 as my girlfriend of the week in honor of my 24th birthday. Later that night when talking to Katie she said that I should watch 24 on my birthday since I would be turning 24 on May 24th.

Friday was music lyrics today. While at work I was daydreaming about the movie that Brian and I are going to be writing and a song came along from itunes that said something like, "can we turn these daydreams into a reality." Suffice it to say I'm now inspired to hammer out this script because that was a clear cut sign that it's supposed to happen. Then during the ride home I was thinking about Hurricanes because I saw some signs on the parkway that were torn up and moments later a song came on the air that said something to the effect of "here comes the hurricane. Raining really hard..."

Now what say you to that?

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