Saturday, May 06, 2006

Twilight Zone Update

In case you were wondering the Twilight Zone daily occurences haven't let up at all. Here are some more examples for you:

On Wednesday I blogged about John McCain becoming the next President. Then at the Marlins game on Friday night the guy behind me was talking to his buddy about how he hopes McCain wins the primary so he can vote for him for President. How it will be the first time he votes for a Republican for President.

While driving with Brian on Thurdsay night on the way to softball practice I said to myself that I feel like I'm on the Amazing Race having to bob and weave in and out of traffic in order to make it somewhere on time. I even thought about driving up on the shoulder. Then minutes later on the radio there was a promo for the Amazing Race.

And lastly if you thought it was weird when I read about the domino theory and then saw an elaborate domino scene in the movie Robots then you'll really think it's weird that at Friday night's Marlins game they gave out Dominos to every fan. Come on now. Of all the things in the world to give out at a baseball game someone came up with the idea to give out dominos. That's so random. And yet I was there to receive them.

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