Sunday, May 14, 2006

Girlfriend of the Week: Helen Hunt

In honor of mother's day I was looking for Hollywood's Hottest Mom to be my girlfriend of the week. I thought about Angelina Jolie but quickly eliminated her since her adopted son Maddox is a media whore and I didn't want to give him anymore attention than he's already gotten. Plus I don't think that Angelina is that good looking. In fact, I think she's a hideously deformed creature and you couldn't pay me to have sex with her but that's a story for another day.

From there I considered Brittany Spears especially since she's pregnant again but decided against that since driving with a newborn on your lap while outrunning the paparazzi disqualifies her from being called a mother. Meanwhile, Gwenyth Paltrow is out for naming her kid, Apple, which has got to be the worst name of all time.

That leaves the lovely Helen Hunt as the choice on this mother's day. Adaptly named since she has a face that could launch a thousand ships, Hunt is one of my all time favorite actresses. She is so good that I actualy put up with Paul Reiser for ten years while watching Mad About You. She hasn't been that visible in recent years now that she's a mother but I hope that she gets back into full time acting soon. I need a sequel to Riverdance in the worst way.

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