Thursday, June 15, 2006

Music Mania

As most of you know I've never liked music. In fact, I'm probably the only person in the entire world who doesn't own a single cd. For the longest time the only exposure that I had to music was my sister's collection of Mariah Carey and Michael Bolton cd's. If my life was a soundtrack it would be the boring crap that radio stations play on loop during the graveyard shift. Pathetic, I know.

Now, I'm not sure why I've never taken to music. Perhaps it's the fact that I have so many baseball statistics in my head that there's simply no room for music lyrics. Or maybe all those years of listening to my sister's god awful singing during car rides has scared me for life. Who knows? All I know is that when I hear Gnarls Barkley I immediately think of Charles Barkley.

That's all changed since I started working at Taylor and Francis where in an attempt to keep what little sanity I have left I've started listening to music and comedy on ITunes. What I've discovered is that I actually have likes and dislikes, interests and disinterests.

The list below is a short compilation of who I've been listening to. Better late than never as I like to say. Let me know if there's anybody else that I would like.

The hot list in no particular order:

Any other band with four letters having to do with cars
Lincoln Park
Red hot Chili Peppers
Foo Fighters
Yellow Card
William Hung
Good Charlotte
Fall Out Boy
Breaking Benjamin
Black Eyed Peas
Kelly Clarkson
Goo goo dolls

*On a personal note I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am vehemently opposed to the music of Dave Matthews Band for the simple fact that I don't like people who name their band after themselves. That's worse than giving your child the same name that you have. It's egotistical and shows a lack of creativity and it needs to stop.

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