Friday, June 23, 2006

Weekly Twilight Zone Update

I've been so entwined this week with listening to Lost podcasts on ITunes that quite honestly I haven't really been paying attention to see if there are any freaky coincidences occuring. I did however notice this big one:

During this week's episode of entourage when Ari walks into his office during a heat wave his assistant Lloyd tells him that it's 98 degrees according to his widget. Ari then says what the hell is a widget and goes off on a tangent about them in typical Ari fashion. That's weird because on Friday at work I was talking to my co-worker Karl about widgets, what they were, and how to get them. Prior to that I had never heard of them. What are the odds that three days after I find out what widgets are they appear on an episode of my favorite sitcom?

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