Saturday, June 03, 2006

Week In Review

Random thoughts from the last week:

I know this is going to sound crazy but I think that when I wear sunglasses it affects my hearing. My theory is that when you have one of your senses taken away from you one of your other senses will be enhanced. In my case that's having really bad eyesight on a day to day basis. What that does is enhance my hearing. However, when I wear sunglasses my eyesight gets better and as a result my hearing gets worse.

When talking on the phone why do people say I'll let you go when it's really them who want to go?

Is it me or is the prerequisite for having a hit song having the word 'pieces' in it? Seriously I think that word is in more songs than Michael Jackson is in punchlines to jokes.

I'm thinking about posting an annoying Myspace bulletin telling people to stop posting annoying Myspace bulletins.

I think that everyone is really nine months older than they really are if you include the time they are in the womb. Which means that in 2 months I'm going to be 25!

Stuff magazine had the line of the week for making a Wanted Poster for Howie Mandel that said, "wanted for: bring crappy game shows back to prime time, cavorting with a mysterios 'banker' and single-handedly resurrecting the gay genie look."

Do you think that there is someone out there who is so homophobic that they would refuse to eat a bowl of Pasta e Fagioli?

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