Saturday, June 17, 2006

Week In Review

Random thoughts from the last week:

I don't know why people bother buying bananas. They are pretty much guaranteed to go bad before you can eat them. If you want to have something sit on your countertop that's going to go bad you might as well just buy yourself flowers. At least that way you'll have something pretty to look at.

Whenever I go food shopping I always get the shopping cart with the broken wheel. Not even my luck can be that bad. I'm beginning to think that they don't even have any carts that aren't broken!

I love nectarines.

I think that if Good Year Tires made sneakers I would buy them. You just know that those suckers are going to last a long ass time.

The first thing that everyone said to me when I went home last weekend was, 'wow you've lost weight!' OF COURSE I WAS GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT. You try living on your own when you don't know how to cook and let me know how it goes.

Do you have to get your priest a gift on father's day?

I don't get soccer fans. I was getting lunch at McDonald's this week and the guy ahead of me online kept looking over his shoulder at the tv monitors to check the action in one of the World Cup games. I felt like telling him not to bother since it's soccer and the score was probably 0-0. Chances were that when he got back to his seat it would still be 0-0! Nothing ever happens in soccer. Worst sport ever.

Is there anything more frustrating than watching a movie with a voice over and spending the entire time trying to figure out where you know that voice from? That was me trying to figure out who was playing the Beast in Xmen 3.

Is there a bigger double standard than Republicans being for the death penalty but against abortion?

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