Friday, June 02, 2006

Weekly Twilight Zone Update

If you still don't believe that I've been living in the Twilight Zone the last few months these examples will surely change your mind:

Tuesday at work I was wondering when the leading vote getters for the MLB all star game would be announced and sure enough the tallies were released later that night. Come on now, what are the odds that something as random as MLB all star game voting totals would get announced on the same day that I was thinking about it? Especially when it's not something that I have ever thought of before nor ever will think of again.

Over the weekend there were two instances when of all things the movie Wayne's World came up in conversation. First on Friday night with Brian and then on Monday at lunch with Tommy, Justin, Melanie, and Angie. Of course that could only mean one thing. And as was to be expected it was on HBO on Wednesday night. What a movie that's over ten years old would be doing on HBO on a random weeknight in 2006 is beyond me. But certainly not beyond the Twilight Zone.

Sunday on the way to Clearwater beach we played the game Twenty Questions. Which by the way is probably the first time in my life that I have ever played it. Which could only mean one thing. That there would be a twenty questions reference at some point this week. And it occurred Tuesday at work while listening to a Dane Cook comedy rant on iTunes. Which is doubly eerie since Brian and I are writing a movie and we want to have Dane Cook play one of the lead roles.

During the week I was reminscing with Brian and we were talking about the time he and Russell jumped out of my car to scare me and Katie. Well, Thursday night on the Daily Show Jon Stewart made a joke about NSA wire tapping saying in his President Bush voice that wire tapping isn't like peeking in the window while your sister is getting changed. Rather it's more like hiding in your car and jumping out at you when you enter it.

And lastly I was thinking about the Big Bang Theory and the origins of the Universe over the weekend because I'm weird like that and then at work on Wednesday and Thursday I came across two scientific textbooks covering the Big Bang Theory. Now I usually think about things like the Big Bang Theory but it had been a while since the last time I did so the fact that I would come across it at work just days after I started thinking about it again is what blows my mind. Hey, at least something of mine is getting blown these days.

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