Monday, November 28, 2005

The Art of Bisquick

Move over Orlando Pace. You're no longer who I'm going to think of when I eat a pancake.

Rather, the person I'll think of, will be none other than yours truly, because last night I made a batch of pancakes constituting the first actual meal I have ever made. The days of using a George Foreman grill are long gone. It's apron wearing time now.

And if I may say so myself I think I may have found a hidden talent of mine. Cause those pancakes were damn good. Golden brown on both sides just like the head chef at IHOP dreams of.

They were so good in fact that it may not be long before I'm competing on the Iron Chef. Now that I've mastered the art of Bisquick the sky's the limit!

Which is a stark contrast from the past 23 years. Like most men I had thought that boiling pasta and mastering the use of a microwave meant that I knew how to cook. Turns out that it doesn't. Instead, if you want to impress the ladies you actually have to make things with more than one ingredient. Sometimes you even have to use a measuring cup. Who knew?

I now do. And after my adventures in the kitchen last night I have officially graduated from Shirley Leader's school of basic cooking with an advanced certificate in pancake making. And I couldn't be happier.

Now if you'll excuse me it's time for leftovers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now all you gotta do is a find a lady to impress with your Bisquick skills.