Saturday, November 12, 2005

Week in Review

Random thoughts from the last week:

Whenever I watch a movie it usually inspires me. Which is why after watching Kingpin I wanted to become a professional bowler and after watching Pirates of the Caribbean I wanted to become a swashbuckler. So would everybody please make sure I don't go see Jarhead.

How is it that you can go into the same deli two days in a row, order the same things, and be charged two different prices by the same cashier?

"Well, you know...." is the new "fair enough".

It's good to know that when you vote they don't even check your id. That way I'll still get to vote even after I'm dead.

I think the circular to Pathmark this week was thicker than Saturday's Newsday.

I don't know why people use the phrase 'no pun intended' since by doing so they're pointing out the pun that would have otherwise went undetected.

Being a Republican is a lot like being a Mets fan. No rational person would be one.

I just saw Keira Knightley on the Daily Show in a red dress and all I can say!

This week's episode of One Tree Hill was all about a fantasy draft where you get to pick who you take to a dance. Now I know why I like OTH so much.


Anonymous said...

Who acronymizes (yes, I made it a word) One Tree Hill?? Weird...why don't you like marry Chad Michael Murray or something?? Only you'll have to wait until Sophia Bush divorces him first.

Not that I know anything about their lives...

Craig Shames said...

Whitney, everyone knows that OTH stands for One Tree Hill....its as popular of an acronym as TGIF, BRB, WTF, and TTYL. You of all people should know that though since the show airs on your network, the WB.