Monday, November 21, 2005

The Big Apple Vs. The Sunshine State

As some of you may have heard by now I've been thinking about moving to Florida to become a teacher since you only need a bachelors degree to do so. Before I make up my mind though I've decided to make a pro and con list to help me weigh my options.

Pros of Moving:

Warmer weather
I won't get sick as often
Attend spring training games all over the state
Live with Brian
Start a career in teaching right off the bat without a masters degree
Get to coach sports teams
Play softball year round
Enhanced social life
Live on my own and end jokes about still living in my parent's basement

Cons of Moving:

Would be in the path of hurricanes
Would have to drive surrounded by old people who don't know how to
No more Boars Head brand deli meats
No more NY Daily News
Wouldn't be able to watch Yankees games
Would be leaving my friends, family, and Rocky
Might actually have to start working out again to get a beach body
Might be too much fun for me
Would hanging out with Brian kill my liver?
If I move there now where will I move when I retire?

As you can see it's pretty close. What will I do? Any advice?

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