Thursday, March 30, 2006

Back to the Future

Your eyes are not deceiving you. You have not entered the Twilight Zone. You did not just wake up from a coma nor could you have possibly gotten that drunk last night that when you woke up this morning it wasn't really this morning but rather 5 full days from now. Rather what you are witnessing is a first in blogging history.

That's right, as a result of my road trip to Florida, I will brave the unknown and travel into the future so that I can blog through the end of this week. I mean you really didn't think that I was going to miss a day of blogging just because I was going to be driving eight hours a day did you? If you did, we're no longer friends because you should have known me better than that.

There's nothing that will keep me from missing a day of blogging. In fact, if the Swedish national swim team wanted to use me as their personal sex toy and all I had to do was give up blogging I would say thanks but no thanks and then blog about how much of a dumb ass I am.

So now when you're bored at work you'll have 5 days worth of high quality articles to peruse. You can thank me later. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go finish putting my collection of Don Mattingly figurines in bubble wrap.

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