Friday, March 17, 2006

Girlfriend of the Week: Ireland

*Special Early Edition*

In honor of St. Patrick's Day aka Excuse to Drink Day I have chosen Ireland as my girlfriend of the week. No, I'm not talking about the country in Europe where everyone is named O'Toole or O'Brien. Nor the place where you can find leprechauns, four leave clovers, and pots of gold. Not even the place where there once was an infamous potatoe famine.

Rather, I'm talking about former Sports Illustrated cover model Kathy Ireland. It may have been a few years since Ireland was in the public eye but until Keira Knightly legally changes her name to Keira Ireland I have no choice but to choose Kathy on this day every year from now on. Let's all just be happy that I didn't have to choose Colin Farrell.

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