Friday, March 24, 2006

Definitely Not Hot

Over 100 people voted on and the verdict is in....I'm definitely not hot.

Perhaps my low score (5.9) can be attributed to the fact that I only have one ear, a ridicilously high forehead that you can shot a slapshot off of, and creepy red eyes that make me look possessed.

Or maybe, just maybe, if I had friends who would have hooked me up with high scores I would have faired better. But no, I had to have friends like Brian M. who give me a 1 and would have given me a zero if it were an option.

But I'm okay with that. It's not like I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight because nobody thinks that I'm hot. I don't need other people to validate my self worth and boost my self esteem. I know deep down inside that I am a sexy beast. I don't need a website to tell me that. I tell myself that everyday.

Which probably explains why I'm still single. After all, when you love yourself as much as I do there's not enough love to give to anyone else. But there are low scores to give out. So do like I do and hit up and give hot girls eating disorders by rating them low. Hey, what goes around comes around.

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