Wednesday, March 01, 2006

March Madness

Well it only took 365 days but my favorite month has returned! I'm not quite sure why I like March so much. My birthday isn't until May, nothing exciting has ever really happened to me in this particular month (or any month for that matter), and it's actually annoyingly long.

And yet I can find a plethora (great word for playing scrabble) of reasons why I like it. First off, it's not one of those poser months that's really someone's name like April or June. Although, there is a porn star named Morgan March.

I think I like it so much because to me it signifies the beginning of spring. Not technically since that damn groundhog said we would have six more weeks of winter. And not in reality either since it's supposed to snow this weekend. For some reason though, despite all that, it just feels like spring to me. Or at the very least I know that spring time is coming up soon.

It's also the mecca of professional sporting events as you have the start of the baseball season with the culminations of the basketball and hockey seasons. Throw in the NCAA tournament, Wrestlemania (sometimes), and this year only the World Baseball Classic and there's plenty of reasons to use up those sick days.

As you can see it's an action packed month and I haven't even mentioned St. Patrick's Day, Mardi Gras, Spring Break, or my sister's birthday yet. Which makes it the official month for drunken debauchery. On second thought...I'm not sure I like this month anymore.

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