Sunday, February 26, 2006

Girlfriend of the Week: Sasha Cohen

America's newest Olympic sweetheart, Sasha Cohen, is my newest girlfriend of the week. I'll let Malfy have Sacha Cohen all he wants. Because Sasha is where it's at this week.

In fact, I'm so infatuated with this 'Natalie Portman on figure skates' that I plan on going out and buying every single product that she endorses in the post Olympic era. I'm talking everything from boxes of Wheaties to leotards. Especially leotards.

The best part about Mrs. Cohen is that she has a realistic shot of becoming Mrs. Shames. After all, we have a lot in common. She ice skates, I roller blade. She's from Russia, my sister just married a Russian guy. She's Jewish, I used to be. She has a silver medal, I have a Celine Dion CD that looks like her medal. She's famous and can get any guy she wants, I only want famous girls that I can't get. And the list goes on and on. So you see it's really not that far fetched.

But hey if it doesn't work there's always Sara or Emily Hughes. I hear they're from Long Island.

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