Monday, August 22, 2005

Future 40 Year Old Virgin

I think I may have a lawsuit pending against the makers of the film, "The 40 Year Old Virgin". Not just because of the concept of the movie, which some would say depicts me 17 years from now. But in that every single detail of the movie was eerily similar to my life.

It's almost as if they've been watching me for the last few years. I'm sure we all experience those timse where you feel as if someone is following you or watching you. Well for me, somebody actually was! And then they made a movie about it!

I don't want to give away anything for those who haven't seen it but just know that the following things are mentioned in the movie:

Excessive chest hair
Kelly Clarkson
Clive Cussler novels
Harry Potter
Curious George
Bike riding

Kind of makes you wonder....

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