Friday, August 05, 2005

Happy Birthday Erin!

Today my good friend, Erin, turns 23? 24? 25? 36? I have no clue honestly. I didn't even know it was her birthday until two days ago when Kristen told me. Luckily I was going to Boston anyway so I passed it off to Erin as though I was coming up just for her birthday. Sounds messed up I know but at least it's better than clear forgetting her birthday like I did two years ago and almost did again this year. What do you want from me? It's the summer and I'm distracted by talking shit in my fantasy baseball leagues.

But I'm here now and in honor of her 24th? birthday here's a look inside the life of Erin Burns with everyone's favorite feature, You Know Your Erin Burns If:

You were once told that you had a wide face.

You are one of only five people in the world who knows what sleep apnea is.

You are a member of the clique.

You get annoyed when your friend Craig talks about your cousin.

A 32 year old doctor has a crush on you.

You go to Disney World at least once a year.

You know where Punta Cana is.

You are friends with a drug dealer.

You refer to mini-golf as put put.

You are always trying to kiss people when they aren't looking.

You like to break your falls by grabbing onto people's crouches.

You car and your closet are one in the same.

You think it's funny to put candy up people's noses.

You join clubs that you have no interest in just to spend time with your friends.

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