Monday, December 26, 2005

First Annual Blog In Review Week

After 8 months of sharing every single thought I've had with the world it's finally time to take a look back at all the crazy things I've said over the past year. All week long I'll be reminsicing about my favorite blog moments, giving out awards for the best articles and features, and recapping my wittiest comments.

Until then take a look at what people have been saying about your favorite blog:

Bunz120: im kinda addicted to ur blog.
Bunz120: there i said it.

PadresRule2000: so ill let you go.
PadresRule2000: and wait in anticipation for your football picks.

WhtnyB212: I can honestly say that I am a better person for having read it.

mpsechrist: btw, ur blog story is the funniest thing that i have ever heard come from you or related to you.

JJ31670: craig this whole thing is histerical ... could be one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

TullyFRL: tribune eh? mabye you have found your act that completley bombs on stage actually works in blog form.

D0NNELLAN: it takes up too much of my time.
D0NNELLAN: i'd rather waste my time reading about you being banned from pitching.

LiLcAfFeLlE1991: beauty and the geek huh
LiLcAfFeLlE1991: your the man
LiLcAfFeLlE1991: o yeah and i love the blog dude keep it coming

Fritz: dude! you should try being a stand up comedian with your thoughts. hilarious!

Royals01: craig I think u should just become a columnist lol....ur blogs are some funny shit.

RockinTheCasbah9: I wanna see some nice shame-o-matic predictions.

PadresRule2000: its good
PadresRule2000: it gets people fired up
PadresRule2000: like the time that dumb feminist bitch got all mad

***Thanks to all for having the patience to read my random thoughts every single day. You're my motivation for not missing a day.

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