Saturday, January 28, 2006

Action Packed Weekend

You're probably thinking to yourself: "Craig, how are you up before 3 pm on a Saturday? Especially after you just pulled an all nighter in AC and went straight to the doctor and the Knicks game!"

Well my friends the answer is that I have a small bladder. After waking up to go to the bathroom I saw an instant message on my computer from my friend Darren saying that he wanted to talk trade as soon as I woke up. Now there are two ways to get me out of bed. Number one would be if a hot girl said wake up and have sex with me. Number two would be if a guy said wake up and trade with me.

After trading Eddy Curry for Zac Randolph I was too awake to go back to bed. So I called up Malfy and we're about to play some football. Before I go though I just wanted to give everyone an update on my action packed weekend.

First off, Atlantic City was off the hook. I happen to think it's a great place to hang out. Too bad that the only people that agree with me are geriatric all stars, Vietnam War vets who live under the boardwalk, compulsive gamblers from NYC, and gang bangers from West Philadelphia. It really is quite the shithole but fun nonetheless.

I went with my buddy Salvo from NU whose probably one of the funniest people I know. His only concern in life is trying to figure out whether he's a bigger womanizer, gambler, or drunk. Gambling with him is like running with the bulls naked while on ectasy. You're bound to get fucked up.

I lost some money but took solace in the fact that I lose less than him and less than his friend who looked eerily similar to Ben Roethlisberger. By the time 4 am rolled around I decided to take the red eye bus back to NYC rather than crash in the hotel room for 3 hours. The bus was packed, presumably with people who like me had just lost all their money, but whom unlike me were probably actually going to go to work as if nothing had happened. I on the other hand had to go to the doctor.

Where I discovered that one of the leading causes of migraine headaches, from which I think I now suffer, are.....pickles! Uh oh. I eat pickles all the time. It's one of the staples of my diet along with orange soda, licorice, and pretzels. What am I going to do for food now?!

After getting the bad news I took a nap and then headed back into the city with Russell for the Knicks game. Ben Stiller was in the house. Which made me believe that Ben and I are soulmates. After all, I was just in Victor Talbot's for my sister's wedding which is where the tuxedo scene from Meet the Parents was filmed. Weird.

Anyway, I'll have to fill you all in on the rest some other time. Brian just pulled up. It's time to throw the rock.

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