Monday, October 24, 2005

Craig's Lists: The Dumbest Things I've Done

No apartments for rent here. Just a hilarious list. This week it's a look back at all the dumb things I've done over the years because as we all know even smart people do dumb things.

1. Once took out $60 from an ATM machine and then walked away without taking the money.

2. Once drove away from a gas station with the Daily News and a container of Orange Juice still on the hood of the car.

3. Once found over $80 in a 7-11 and rather than pocket the money gave it to the cashier in case someone came to claim it.

4. While working at Adelphi, sent an email that made fun of my job to my boss because I didn't want her to feel left out.

5. At a fast food place threw the tray into the garbage can along with what I was throwing out.

6. When somebody asked me if I knew Italian I said yes because I thought they were asking if I had a tie on.

7. Left my car in a metered parking spot, with a 2 hour limit, thinking that I could just keep putting quarters in every 2 hours, and not knowing that a 2 hour limit meant that I could only stay there for 2 hours, 1 time.

8. Spent the summer before I went away to college staying up late and waking up early thinking that I could train my body to get used to how college life would be like.

9. When I was younger, once drank coffee thinking it was chocolate milk.

10. When I was little, ate a bunch of mothballs in my closet. (No wait, that wasn't me. That was Brian Malfettone.)

11. Tried to use a breathe easy strip as a band aid.

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