Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What a Waste of Money

Man, do the Yankees suck. A $200 million dollar payroll and they can't even get out of the first round of the playoffs. I guess I was way off when I proclaimed that they were going to win it all: (http://imaheadcase.blogspot.com/2005/08/you-heard-it-here-first.html)

The only people more upset than Yankees fans right now are the executives at Fox who get a National League style, small ball series between the Angels and White Sox after two straight years of heated Yankees-Red Sox rivalry. They have got to be thrilled about that!

Since I'm too upset to actually write about my analysis of the ALDS I thought I would instead make a list of other things that I could have got for $200 million:


A lifetime supply of licorice nibs

A minor league baseball team and then named myself player/manager

A Jewish wife

40 million Big Macs

Brittany Snow to notice me

Out of debt

But alas I won't have any of those things. Instead all I have is a few weeks until the start of the winter meetings and the inevitable announcement that the Yankees have signed Johnny Damon, BJ Ryan, and 10 other all stars raising their payroll to $300 million.

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