Saturday, October 29, 2005

Week In Review

Random thoughts from the last week:

Sometimes I like to walk around with a can of soda in a brown paper bag so that people think I'm drinking beer.

I think that everybody knows of at least one person who, while in college, took a crap in somebody's sock drawer at a party.

I hate people who ask someone to rate something on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the highest. 1 is not the highest! 10 is the highest!

Did you know that there is a Lt. Shames on HBO's former series, Band of Brothers? The funny thing is that there's this one scene where he gets all stressed out and starts yelling out everybody, which sounds a lot like something I would do.

What's up with people who use baby strollers to carry their purchases when they go shopping? Haven't these people ever heard of shopping carts?

PTI's Tony Kornheiser had the line of the week when commenting about that inmate who extended his 30 year sentence to 33 years in honor of Larry Bird, he said, "I guess it's a good thing that he's not a Wayne Gretzky fan."

My mom had a great line too when I asked her about why she was rooting against the Astros in the World Series: "They're from Bush Country."

And my barber almost made me die of laughter when after his wife hung up on him to take a call from her sister he called the sister so that his wife would get put on hold.

Do you think that when people come to Oceanside and find out that it's not next to the Ocean they're disappointed? What about when people go to Garden City and realize it's not a city nor does it contain a garden.

Do people really think that if they preface an insult with the words, "in all due respect" that the person won't get as mad?

The WNBA's Sheryl Swopes has come out as professional sports first openly gay player. And who said women's sports weren't interesting?

Speaking of being gay, Brian, Russell, Joanne, and I went out to this bar in Long Beach on Saturday night and after about 15 minutes realized that we were in a gay bar. I've never seen Russell pound a beer faster. Brian however, took his time because he said he really liked the music. Um. No comment.

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