Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Umm, Gggggrrrrrrrrrr-E

"The kick is up and it's wide right....um, grrrrrrrrrr."

"It is high, it is far, it is - caught at the wall.....um, grrrrrrr."

"Shames drops back, signs up for the GRE less than 24 hours before it's being given, doesn't study, goes out to a bar the night before, wakes up and...um, grrrrr."

Such is my life. I thought it was going to be easier than it was. It wasn't. I thought I could wing it without studying. I couldn't. I thought....wrong.

It wasn't a total disaster area. I know now what to expect and my verbal score was in the range I wanted it to be as was to be expected. But Math. Well now that's another story.

You know all those times when you were going to school and you wondered when am I ever going to need this? Well once I wish that someone had said for that day, ten years from now, when you go to take the GRE. Maybe then I would have paid attention more.

As it is, I can't do Math for the life of me. But I had better learn. And quick. Or even I'll be able to figure out that I won't be able to get into grad school.

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