Thursday, April 13, 2006

Adjusting to FLA

As most of you could have expected I'm having somewhat of a tough time adjusting to life in Florida. I'm not ready to pack it in and return home so none of you have to worry about losing your free housing for your next Florida visit just yet. But it's certainly a possibility down the road at this rate.

I got off to a rough start because I was having trouble falling asleep at first since my room faced the street where noise from car traffic was keeping me up. Combine those distractions with the fact that I had a lot on my mind and I could barely fall asleep that first week. In fact, I have still yet to go to bed before 3 am.

I got so worn down from not sleeping that I now have a cold that I have been unable to shake since Saturday. Feeling sluggish from irregular sleep has led to my lack of desire to job hunt or do any of the errands that I need to do. So while the weather may be nicer I've actually digressed self esteem wise since coming here.

I mean it wasn't supposed to be this way. I was supposed to be reinvirgorated by the move. Reenergized to the point where I would actually be the out going, fun loving guy I know I'm capable of being but that was buried under a mountain of self imposed sanctions in New York. But instead I'm sulking around, acting all depressed, and in general just being bummed out that I can't get a job.

Perhaps I'm putting too much pressure on myself to find a job and make this move work. I mean it has only been a week and a half so far. But with as much financial stress as I'm under I don't think I'll truly be able to relax and enjoy my new surroundings until I'm in a comfortable financial position. Which won't happen until I can find a good job. Which won't happen until I can get the energy to look. Which won't happen until I can start sleeping better.

To that end I moved Tuesday night into the other bedroom, away from the street, and I hope that my new room will ease my sleeping problems. Once this annoying cold goes away I'll be able to start working out, going out and meeting people, and getting into a routine.

As I said before I'm not ready to pack it in just yet. I'm just frustrated that I've been here for 10 days with nothing to show for it. But it's early still in the process. Which is the good part about Florida. It feels early even when it's late.

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