Saturday, April 08, 2006

Week In Review

Random thoughts from my first week in Florida:

Circuit City is officially retarded. I went there this week to buy a new ethernet card for my laptop. The store price was $60. The online price was $40. I asked if I could get the online price in the store. They said no. So, I called my sister and she ordered the product online for me. Then selected the in store pick up option. And in front of a dumbfounded salesman I had bought the ethernet card in the store for the online price. Why they couldn't just sell it to me at the online price, I don't know. And that's why Circuit City is retarded.

I hate lizards. I wouldn't mind them if they kept to the grassy areas but they scurry up and down the wall outside my apartment and startled me everytime I come in or out of my place. The only thing I hate more than lizards are jackhammers going off early in the morning on the weekend! F'ing jackhammers!

I'm also having trouble falling asleep at night because my room is on the street and the sound of cars driving by is very annoying. In fact it's probably the second most annoying sound of all time. The first: the sound of Gilbert Godfrey and Fran Drescher having sex.

I always laugh everytime I see a sign on the parkway that says speed limit enforced by radar. Like that's really going to stop someone from speeding if they really wanted to. What's next? A sign that reads, "speed limit enforced by honor system"?

I don't know why they call the hand cramps that you get from typing too much carpal tunnel syndrome. The hand cramps you get from leaving your hand on the radio dial while searching for something good to listen to while in the car should be called carpal tunnel syndrome.

While in South Carolina I went to a Burger King across from the hotel I was staying at. I stood in line for 45 minutes just to get a whopper! That's how slow this place was. Now I can understand waiting if I ordered something weird like a fish fillet. But I ordered a hamburger. The one thing that Burger King should have is burgers!

Salvo had the line of the week when in response to my away message that said 'FUCKING JACKHAMMER' he said, "That's what the ladies call me."

I've got to be the only person who can catch a cold in 80 degree weather.

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